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Free Membership and Discounts at LELB Society

As a member or student in our online classes, you can enjoy free membership or special discounts on your tuition fees or monthly membership in the following ways. But first, you need to login with one of your social accounts listed below. If you cannot see them, then you’re already logged in. Watch this video…

Pay for Services at LELB Society – Pricing Table

Pricing table at LELB Society

The pricing table below shows the list of our services and fees, including site membership and online classes. Our new members and students can try all services free before registration. Please take a tour at LELB Society to know more about our services. In addition, study our terms of service and privacy policy. Watch this…

Disclaimers at LELB Society to Consider before Registration

Avoid English Flashcard LELB Society

Please consider the disclaimers at LELB Society before registration. Our disclaimers clearly state our refusal to accept any responsibility to provide you with the following services. Watch this video Watch this video on YouTube Disclaimers at LELB Society LELB Society is not a platform for you to download multimedia files, particularly audios and videos. Unlike…

Free Persian Class on Discord in 2022 – for non-Persian speakers

English Learning on Discord

We offer Persian class on Discord in our Discord server at LELB Society. The LELB Society’s Discord server is specifically designed for language learning. Our Discord server, with hundreds of active members all across the world, allows learners to speak Persian or Farsi in a dedicated chat room and ask questions. In the Persian chat…

Join LELB Society as Author, Teacher or Marketer

Join LELB Society

Join LELB Society’s team and have cooperation with us in the fields listed below. Make money with us and improve your resume or CV by becoming one of the members of our growing team. Join LELB Society LELB Society is run and organized by our professional and growing team around the world. If qualified, you…

Round Table Activity & Asynchronous Learning

round table activity at LELB Society

Round table activity is aimed at providing an exceptional opportunity for English and Persian learners to practice both synchronous and asynchronous learning at the same time. The coinage of round table activity The founder and designer of LELB Society, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, first thought of the round table activity and coined this term…

Learn Anything Online with 4000 Great Lessons

Learn Anything Online Together - learn and let others learn as well in our online campaign to learn together

Learn Anything Online Together Campaign is aimed at providing equal and mutual opportunities for LELB Society’s learners to study our premium lessons and let others study, too, in return. In other words, we don’t believe in something for nothing. Therefore, to access all of our premium lessons for free, including thousands of lessons, carefully illustrated…

English Classes on Discord for IELTS and TOEFL

English Classes on Discord for IELTS & TOEFL English Classes on Discord Join our Discord server In our online classes on Discord, you can practice all the 4 skills naturally in interaction with your classmates from all over the world. Save your time, energy and money just for educational purposes and nothing more. LELB Society…

Students’ Testimonials at LELB Society – Positive Reviews

Students' Testimonials at LELB Society

Study some of our students’ testimonials submitted to us in the comment form below. If you’re not a member yet, you can try our online classes and site membership free before registration. Note. The testimonials of our students have been transferred to our Feedback Box Forum. We’d greatly appreciate it if you, as an LELB Society’s…

Best Online Classes on English and Persian in 2022

List of online classes on English and Persian

List of online classes at LELB Society on English and Persian with free trial. Join our English and Persian classes listed below on this page. Take a tour at LELB Society to become more familiar with our online classes and site membership. Please study our pricing table, privacy policy and terms of service. You can…