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Willpower – IELTS Speaking Practice

Last updated on April 5, 2021 | 77 Views | Reading Time: 2 minutes


Determination – IELTS Speaking Practice


  • How much do you believe in the influence of willpower? (Hariri)
  • How much has willpower helped you in your life? (Hariri)
  • How can you increase your resolution in life?
  • Do you think self-discipline is contagious? In other words, can you learn it from other people around you?
  • What is prerequisite for self-discipline in life?
  • What is the impact of self-discipline on your success and happiness in life?
  • Do you know any person who is really well-known for having a high level of willpower? (Hariri)
  • Willpower
  • Suppose that you don’t have enough willpower. Do you know any specific technique that can help you to improve your willpower? (Hariri)
  • Do you mean stress is always negative? (Hariri)
  • Is willpower something that can be learned? (Taraneh)
  • Does sleep have any influence on your willpower? (Taraneh)
  • How much information do you have about the cortex of the brain? (Hariri)
  • Do you know the difference between who and whom? (Hariri)
  • You can study this motivational best-selling book, Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy in order to augment the level of your willpower and self-discipline in life.

Listening Comprehension:

Listen to this audio file and try to answer the following questions:

File Name: How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
Lecturer: Michael Gelb
1. Who is the author of this product?
2. What is the necessity of setting role models in your life?
3. What is the rationale behind choose Leonardo da Vinci as the title of this audio file?
4. Does our knowledge about our brain last for such a long time? Explain more.
5. What are the two major myths about IQ?
6. Can you raise your IQ level or is it fixed?
7. Who proposed Multiple Intelligences?
8. What are the ingredients of Multiple Intelligences? Name them.

About Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, researcher, inventor, author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Study our guest posting guidelines for authors.

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