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English Vocabulary about Five Senses for IELTS

Published on July 10th, 2019 | Last updated on September 3rd, 2020 by | Category: English Vocabulary in Context | 43 Comments on English Vocabulary about Five Senses for IELTS | 176 Views | Reading Time: 4 minutes

English Vocabulary about Five Senses

English Vocabulary about Five Senses


Aromatherapy has psychological benefits and can also disinfect the respiratory system.

The aroma is so pungent that I couldn’t help smelling it.

A schoolgirl crush can be initiated only by a specific aroma.


John’s behavior towards his wife was so uncouth and unsavory that it became quite conspicuous for guests.

It is all Greek to me that some try to be conspicuous and showy in every gathering in order to be the center of attention.


Anyone who suffers from a congenital lack of one sensation uses the other sensations to compensate for it and detect the surroundings well.

The eagle, the apex predator in the avian world, flew down as it detected a sparrow on the ground.


John had been scrutinizing the painting for several hours when finally discerned the forgery.

I never discern the feelings of people who prefer having a child even though they work for peanuts and can only keep the wolf from the door.


You mustn’t inspect the edibility of an unknown herb by tasting it.

Hen-of-the-Woods is an edible wild mushroom that is mushrooms’ hunters.

Mushrooms with red on the cap or stem are seldom edible.


Her decorative embellishments seemed eye-catching at first glance, but they were just gaudy ornaments.

Owing to urban sprawl, the region was dotted with ostentatious skyscrapers which had dazzling, eye-catching facades.


Olfactory sensation has capacity to modulate human behaviors. It is linked to inner ego.

I believe that the best way to remain a memory is to capture the smell by means of olfactory sensation in order to recall it later and reminisce about it.

Olfactory communication is prevalent among the flora and fauna and any odor or scent is regarded as a signal.

Smell a rat 

John realized that the guests had been whispering vaguely about a blatant incident before he smelled a rat.

Big changes, which smelled a rat, were in the offing, I chickened out and resigned my post.


Tactile Fremitus is a medical term and is used to detect lung diseases. In fact, palpable vibration on patient’s chest wall during vocalization is called Tactile fremitus. If it decreases, it means there is mass or inflammation in the lung.

In the dark, people use their tactile sensation to grope around and find their path.

Tactile sensation has a leading role in our health because human beings need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth.


Generally speaking, nouns are mostly used to refer to tangible objects and adjectives mainly depict intangible concepts in a language.

Having an insatiable appetite for tangible progress, I had to burn the midnight oil.

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43 comments on “English Vocabulary about Five Senses for IELTS”

      • at first glance
        It’s much better to write the sentence in simple past tense.
        embellishments :arrow: (they were)

    • Owing to urban sprawl, the region was dotted with ostentatious skyscrapers which had dazzling, eye-catching facades.

    • The person who suffers from a congenital lack of one sensation, uses the other sensations to compensate for it and detects the surroundings well.

      • * Anyone who suffers … uses (Do not use a comma.)
        * to compensate for it and detect – detect and compensate are parallel.

    • I never discern the feelings of people who prefer having a child even though they work for peanuts and can only keep the wolf from the door.

    • Tactile Fremitus is a medical term and is used to detect lung diseases. In fact, palpable vibration on patient’s chest wall during vocalization called Tactile fremitus. If it decreases, it means there is mass or inflammation in the lung.

    • Tactile sensation has a leading role in our health because human beings need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth.


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