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Decision Based on Intuition English Question

Last updated on July 3, 2022 by | 55 Views | Reading Time: 7 minutes
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    • #106012
      1. What important decision in your professional life have you based mainly upon your intuition?
      2. What about in your personal life?
      3. Do you trust your intuition? Why?
    • #106494
      Armaghan Houshmand

      1. when I last year wanted to enter university and it was the time of selecting course and universities, instead of mechanical engineering I decided to chose another way and continue music and art.
      2. Whenever I wanted to find and make a new friend, I used my intuition and fortunately we turned out to be good friends.
      3. Yes I do. Because most of the time it has worked for me in my important choices and in my stressful dilemma situations. And I guess intuition guides you to your true path.

      • #106529

        * You should know the difference between university course and university major.
        * I decided to choose
        * stressful dilemmas (no situation)

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