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Best Webinar on IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

Last updated on July 22nd, 2022 by | Category: Free Webinars at LELB Society | 51 Views | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Watch this recorded webinar on IELTS Writing Task 2 participated by our members alongside the corresponding transcript. Watch this YouTube playlist to listen to or watch all webinars.

Free English Webinar on IELTS Writing Task 2

The Transcript of this English Webinar

  • IELTS Writing Task 2 is more important than IELTS Writing Task 1.
  • You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
  • You should use at least 250 words in your essay. This is the minimum requirement. The average number of words used by you is between 260 to 280 words.
    • If you use less words than expected, you’ll face word count penalty, and you will lose some points.
    • You can keep track of the number of the words you’ve used in your essay by tracking the number of lines you’ve written multiplied by the number of words in each line tentatively.
  • It’s highly recommended that you write at least 3 paragraphs.
    • The first paragraph is the introduction.
      • Your introductory paragraph should not be too long. It could include up to 50 words. Your introductory paragraph should include the following 2 sentences:
        1. Background statement: laying the foundation of what you’re going to wring from the most general point.
        2. Thesis statement: focusing on your central idea and your clear position to the question (topic sentence)
    • You might need to have one or two supporting paragraphs, depending on the topic and your position to it.
      • You need to consider almost the same format in each supporting paragraph: starting the paragraph, giving some explanations or examples, wrapping it up.
      • You need to prove or disprove some claims or points in response to a problem, argument or question.
      • You might bring examples in support of your argument.
    • The final paragraph would be your concluding paragraph.
  • Dominant Question Types
    • The questions reflect common and general issues. You don’t need to have technical information about them.
    • Agree or disagree questions
    • Questions arousing some argument
    • The pros and cons of something
    • The advantages or disadvantages of something
    • Cause-and-effect relationships
    • Finding solutions to some problems
  • You should not use some model sentences or prefabricated phrases or sentences in your essay. You need to be original.
  • Is indentation necessary?
    • No, indentation is not necessary. When you are done with any paragraph, just consider a horizontal space, i.e. drop a horizontal line to show it to the reader that you are about to start the next paragraph without any indentation.
  • Should you use quotations, idioms or proverbs in your essay?
    • No, because proverbs and idioms can make your essay sound informal.
  • It’s better to go through some proofreading when you’re done with your essay.
  • The way your essay is assessed:
    • Task Response (20%)
      • You need to fully understand the question and directly respond to that.
      • Focus on the key words in the question.
      • You are encouraged to go through brainstorming to come up with relevant ideas and points to establish your essay upon.
      • Planning procedure and brainstorming might even take you 5 minutes before starting your essay. Therefore, do not start your essay immediately.
      • Mind Mapping Technique: Write down the key word of the question in the middle of the question paper you are given. Then draw a circle around the key word. Afterwards, try to add some branches to the circle. In this technique, your key word is like the stem or trunk of your essay as the tree, and the developed ideas are some branches of the main stem or central idea.
    • Coherence and Cohesion (25%)
      • Coherence refers to the unity and logic in your essay that makes it understandable, particularly in terms of meaning.
      • Cohesion focuses on the linguistic unity you should take care of in your essay. For example, the use of linking words, conjunctions and transitions in your essay.
    • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (25%)
    • Lexical Resources (25%)