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IELTS Reading Tips and Techniques

Last updated on August 7, 2019 | 88 Views | Reading Time: 3 minutes

IELTS Reading Tips and Techniques

IELTS Reading Tips and Techniques

IELTS Reading test takes 60 minutes. During this one hour, you are given three different passages, and you’re supposed to respond to the questions after the passages. The content of IELTS Reading Part is different in Academic and General Modules of the IELTS exam.

Before reading the passages, pay attention to the headings and titles. Bear in mind that headings and titles can give you much crucial information on what you are about to read.

Furthermore, you should first review the questions and then read the text. Note that all the questions exist in the same order of their appearance in the text. This is another reason for which you should first study the questions.

At the time of reading the text, underline all the names and important pieces of information.

Try to get familiar with all the possible question types you’re likely to encounter on the exam. In this way, you can locate the crucial information and details when you read the text for the second time.

Be tolerant of ambiguity if the selected topic does not align with your area of specialty. That is to say, you don’t need to be an expert in the topic you’re reading about. Keep in mind that if you become a competent reader, you’ll be able to elicit all the necessary information from the passage even though you don’t have specific information or expertise about it.

You should work on your spelling knowledge. On your answer sheet, you are expected to spell out words correctly.

A very important tip is to improve your speed reading. Remember that some passages are quite long, and you don’t have plenty of time.

Another factor to take into account is to enrich your word knowledge or vocabulary. You can have access to thousands of English vocabulary for IELTS, which are illustrated, on our Instagram page. Also learn how to immerse yourself in English to improve your English vocabulary.

Practice reading difficult and complex texts because, particularly in the Academic Module, the selected texts are by no means simple, and you should be ready for them.

Provide the IELTS Reading part conditions for yourself. For instance, set a time limit. Suppose that you’re actually taking this part of your IELTS exam.

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About Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, researcher, inventor, author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Study our guest posting guidelines for authors.

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