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Reply To: IELTS Essay on Success in Life + Full Essay


Analysis and scoring

Cohesion and coherence: 15 of 25%

  • You need to use more conjunctions in your essay. Study this post on English conjunctions.
  • The format or structure of your essay requires refinement, especially the length of paragraphs.

Grammatical range and accuracy: 15 of 25%

  1. It’s –> it is a fact
  2. it happened to us
  3. different from
  4. there is some correlation
  5. Don’t use “although & but” together.
  6. adult life = adulthood
  7. needs –> need
  8. good grades
  9. as students
  10. they reach a point
  11. insight into

Lexical resources: 20 of 25%

  • You’re using more academic and formal vocabulary. Congratulations!

Task achievement: 18 of 25%

  • Your 1st paragraph is not a standard introductory paragraph. It lacks a clear topic sentence.
  • Your second paragraph makes a better choice for introductory paragraph.
  • Your third paragraph is supporting your stance very well.

Spelling: Good

Punctuation: Needs improvement

Word count: “298” Excellent

Time on Essay Writing: XX of 40 minutes

  • Not mentioned!!

Band score: 6.5 of 9