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IELTS Essay on Success in Life + Full Essay

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    • #103456

      IELTS Essay on Success in Life

      Although some people do not perform well at school, they actually thrive brilliantly in life.

      Do you really think of any strong correlation between scholastic success and success in life?

      What seems to be the most important factor in someone’s success in life?

      Note. Please compose an essay between 250 and 300 words in length.

    • #103615
      Farhang Hooshmand

      Its a fact that many of us experienced or even happened to us that being successful in school is something different with running a successful prosperous life. I personally have this experience in my classmates performance and also to some extent in my life.

      In my opinion although there are some correlation between scholastic success and flourishing life but achieving personal goals and having a successful adulthood life and career needs more developed qualities and advanced skills.

      Many children try hard to get good grade and be successful as a student. This may result from their own will or sometimes occur under the pressure of their parents and teachers and sometimes their success comes from close competition with their classmates. But we all experienced that what really happens in life and all difficulties and challenges we have to deal with are different from those we come across in our childhood. To thrive in life and have a satisfying and lucrative job need at first the insight of choosing a job that you like and and beside that require knowledge and personality traits like time management, perseverance, resilience and the ability to have good interpersonal connection and have a good sense of team work.

      Many of these skills are not taught in schools. So we frequently saw successful students who are not achieving success in their adulthood or vice versa children with poor performance at school but very successful in their career. There is another thing that I want to mention. Some children develop mentally and thrive gradually so they reach to a point of having a good insight of life and the knowledge of how they must behave and act later in their life. To be more clear and say it in other words they become mentally mature later in life.

    • #103616

      Analysis and scoring

      Cohesion and coherence: 15 of 25%

      • You need to use more conjunctions in your essay. Study this post on English conjunctions.
      • The format or structure of your essay requires refinement, especially the length of paragraphs.

      Grammatical range and accuracy: 15 of 25%

      1. It’s –> it is a fact
      2. it happened to us
      3. different from
      4. there is some correlation
      5. Don’t use “although & but” together.
      6. adult life = adulthood
      7. needs –> need
      8. good grades
      9. as students
      10. they reach a point
      11. insight into

      Lexical resources: 20 of 25%

      • You’re using more academic and formal vocabulary. Congratulations!

      Task achievement: 18 of 25%

      • Your 1st paragraph is not a standard introductory paragraph. It lacks a clear topic sentence.
      • Your second paragraph makes a better choice for introductory paragraph.
      • Your third paragraph is supporting your stance very well.

      Spelling: Good

      Punctuation: Needs improvement

      Word count: “298” Excellent

      Time on Essay Writing: XX of 40 minutes

      • Not mentioned!!

      Band score: 6.5 of 9

    • #103628
      Farhang Hooshmand

      time on assay about 1 hr

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