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Willingness to Accept Criticism English Conversation Question

LELB Society: A Bilingual Academy of English & Persian Forums English Conversation Questions for Adults Willingness to Accept Criticism English Conversation Question

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    • #111197

      If your acquaintances and close friends were willing to criticize you informing you about their genuine opinions about you candidly, would you accept their criticism?

    • #111205
      Armaghan Houshmand

      Yes of course. if they are criticizing me sincerely and genuinely, I am ready to take it. The only problem is that how can you tell they are being kind to you or they are criticizing you because of jealousy. Or should you take their criticism seriously or not?

      • #111208

        Nobody can tell you if their criticism is sincere or authentic. You, as the criticized person should decide on that. Personally speaking, I can almost easily figure out if any criticism directed at me is real or not. I don’t know whether others have the same natural ability or not. I should also add that I generally prefer polite criticism to compliments, as I’m always ready and eager to learn from my mistakes.

        What’s more, the setting in which you are criticized carries some weight. I mean whether you are criticized in public or in private. A real friend will never criticize you in public as it might ruin your reputation.

    • #111351
      Farhang Hooshmand

      Sure, I will accepted that. When I was younger sometimes it was difficult for me to accept criticism but with the passage of time I knew that you cannot grow without paying attention to critics’ opinion. Maybe they are not right but you may take new lesson or new idea from their words and opinion. Even in the words of your enemy you can find something useful to avoid or to insist upon your idea.

      • #111363

        As you correctly implied, sometimes, we fail to see ourselves and evaluate our performance or behavior, which is quite normal by the way. With regard to this part of human nature, we should compensate for this lack of self-evaluation or self-assessment by asking for feedback openly.

        To evaluate performance more accurately, we rely heavily on the circle of our friends who know us sufficiently and are benevolent and sincere to us. We can also reciprocate this productive favor and give them our feedback in return. I most treasure the friends who give me their valuable feedback especially in private, and I consistently provide my friends with feedback only when we are alone.

    • #111353
      Farhang Hooshmand

      Will accept. It was difficult to me. Your enemies.

    • #111354
      Soroosh Houshmand

      Yes I listen , but just best friend’s !!!
      I don’t usually care to normall friend’s criticize.

      • #111355

        I don’t usually care about normal friends’ criticism.

        Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. However, sometimes my casual friends can criticize me better than my close and intimate friends. If my close friends are too shy to express their criticism, I finally need to pay attention to the criticism of other people who partially know me. In fact, I carefully listen to criticism and I’m not obsessed with knowing the source of criticism.

        In English, we have a famous old saying that reads: feedback is the breakfast of champions. This maxim tells us to consider and give heed to what others are talking about us.

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