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LELB Society - A bilingual Academy of English and Persian or Farsi

LELB Society: A Bilingual Academy of English & Persian

LELB Society is an online bilingual academy of English and Persian with 200+ happy students worldwide. Join our online classes, study 4,200+ lessons with videos, and talk and write to your teacher anytime and anywhere with our full support 24/7.

Online classes + self-study through asynchronous learning

New Lessons with Videos

  • English Presentation on the Solar System + Reading
    English presentation on the solar system given by LELB Society students to practice speaking. Join our students to give unlimited lectures in English. English presentation on the solar system Reading practice on the solar system Our solar system is a captivating cosmic neighborhood, centered around our life-giving star, the Sun. This vast expanse encompasses eight…
  • English Presentation on the History of Fashion
    English presentation on the history of fashion given by LELB Society students to practice speaking. Join our students and members and give unlimited lectures and presentations in English. English presentation on the history of fashion Reading practice on the history of fashion The fashion industry, as we know it today, is a relatively recent phenomenon.…
  • Bingo Song for Kids Sung by Bita Hariri Asl
    Bingo Song for kids sung by Bita Hariri Asl and played by her father, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, to help young children learn English easily Video of Bingo Song Lyrics of Bingo Song There was a farmer, had a dog And Bingo was his name – o! B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his…
  • 40 Common Persian Adverbs with English Equivalents
    Here are 40 common Persian adverbs with their English equivalents used in simple sentences: Video of 40 common Persian adverbs 40 common Persian adverbs Time حالا (hâlâ): Now – من حالا اینجا هستم (Man hâlâ inja hastam) – I am here now. امروز (emruz): Today – امروز هوا عالی است (Emruz havâ âli ast) –…
  • IELTS Essay on Early Childhood Education + Analysis
    IELTS essay on early childhood education written and submitted to us by LELB Society students for in-depth analysis and scoring to practice writing for the IELTS exam IELTS essay question on early childhood education Discuss the arguments for and against investing in early childhood education programs. Video of the essay on early childhood education IELTS…
  • داستان تدی، خرس تنبل برای آموزش مسئولیت پذیری به کودکان
    داستان تدی، خرس تنبل برای آموزش مسئولیت پذیری به کودکان توسط مدرس فارسی LELB Society نوشته و تدوین شده است. داستان تدی، خرس تنبل مفاهیمی نظیر نظم و انجام کارهای شخصی، اهمیت مسئولیت پذیری، استقلال و خود اتکایی، قدردانی از زحمات دیگران، عذرخواهی از اشتباهات را به کودکان آموزش می دهد. نویسنده: هاجر عزیز زنجانی…
  • Learning Vocabulary in Context: 5 Memory Boosters
    Ever stared blankly at a vocabulary list, desperately trying to memorize definitions? We’ve all been there. But what if there was a more effective way to build your vocabulary? The key lies in context. Here’s why learning new words within the framework of a sentence or passage is the secret weapon you’ve been missing. Video…
  • Wall·E (2008) Movie Analysis and Film Criticism
    Wall·E (2008) movie analysis and film criticism for advanced ESL students based on the English Immersion Program to practice the 4 language skills Wall·E (2008) movie trailer Watch this video on YouTube. Wall·E (2008) movie analysis In the distant future of WALL-E (2008), Earth is a desolate wasteland choked by mountains of garbage. The once…
  • Live a Longer, Happier Life with the Ikigai Philosophy
    In the vibrant, bustling heart of Okinawa, Japan, lies a community renowned for its longevity and zest for life. Here, amidst the lush greenery and azure waters, the concept of Ikigai flourishes. Ikigai, loosely translated as “a reason for being,” is a philosophy that has captured the imagination of the world, promising a path to…

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