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Best Persian Forum for Non-Persian Speakers 15+ Forums

Persian forum is an ideal way for non-Persian speakers to exchange questions and answers asynchronously and communicate with native Persian speakers for academic and communicative purposes.

What is a forum?


A web forum is a discussion or message board software program installed on a website as an online community, university, academy, institute, etc. in which participants can leave messages in an interactive and asynchronous mode. Web forums in academic institutes are generally moderated by faculty members or teachers to provide feedback with students and promote peer-assessment and social presence in online learning environments.

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Why use Persian forum to learn Farsi?

Persian Forum to Ask Questions at LELB Society

Using discussion boards and comment forms is an ideal way to account for asynchronous learning and collaborative learning at the same time. Attending categorized forums to practice Farsi makes it possible for Persian learners to exchange their questions and answers in interaction with each other. It means that Farsi students can learn from each other, and not necessarily from Persian teachers.

Persian Chatroom to Learn Farsi at LELB Society

The above-mentioned characteristic in the preceding paragraph makes room for peer-assessment as the participants in Persian forums can develop interdependency or social autonomy taking place in asynchronous channels of communication.

Social autonomy is a more mature state of autonomy compared to individual autonomy in which learners understand that they need to rely on student interaction for meaningful and collaborative learning. Peer-assessment is not conceivable in a Persian chat room where Farsi learners don’t have enough chance to analyze the stream of activities in Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

Persian forum and asynchronous learning

If you plan to learn Farsi online, you can participate in our Farsi forums and online Persian community. This is one of the best ways to learn Persian online asynchronously. You don’t need to be a registered member at LELB Society to view the stream of activities between our Persian learners and teachers. However, you need to be a registered member to leave comments and replies in our Persian forum.

Classified Persian forums at LELB Society provide our Farsi students with this exceptional opportunity to practice storytelling in Farsi by, for example, completing unfinished stories, asking unlimited Persian questions, responding to challenging questions in Farsi to improve speaking and writing abilities, and the like. Attending our Persian forum can give you this chance to learn from other Persian learners and communicate with them apart from Farsi teachers.

Lack of standard Persian forum

Leave text comments at the bottom of each lesson

When it comes to popular languages, namely English, Spanish, French, German, etc., you can find countless forums and discussion boards online. However, it is extremely difficult to find standard Persian discussion boards and forums that are actively supported by a large community of knowledgeable and active Persian teachers.

We noticed this educational need in learning Farsi interactively and asynchronously, and made a systematic effort to fill in this gap. Accordingly, since the beginning of the year 2022, we’ve responded to hundreds of new topics and comments in our Persian forums. The professional team of our Persian teachers and content developers at LELB Society knows both English and Farsi equally well. Therefore, non-Persian speakers can post their Persian questions in either English or Farsi.

Persian comment forms for Farsi lessons

Leave voice and text comments at LELB Society to learn asynchronously

You can find an interactive comment form at the bottom of each Persian lesson at LELB Society. You can use the comment forms, which are different from our Persian forums, in order to ask us your Persian questions about the exact Farsi lesson linked to the comment box. Our Persian comment boxes support both text and voice comment functionalities so that you could leave both text and voice messages in Farsi to practice writing and speaking at the same time without any time limit.

Reply Button LELB Society
Comments and replies in our round tables

It is noteworthy to mention that some Persian lessons and resources in our online Persian school have had up to 100 comments and replies, which is per se a good testament to the interactive essence of LELB Society, especially in our round table activities. The round table activity theorized and designed by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, is actually one of the core activities in our academy to account for asynchronous learning and flipped classroom.

Essay writing in Persian forum

Join our forums at LELB Society.

You can easily and enjoyably practice essay or composition writing in Farsi in our Persian writing practice forum. As a Persian student or member at LELB Society, you can attend our Farsi forums unlimitedly during your monthly subscription or membership. For example, you can create an unlimited number of new topics in our Persian forum.

Reply to posts or topics in forums

Our professional team of Persian teachers and content developers would respond to your comments and replies in our forums immediately and in great detail. In this way, through trial and error, you can learn from your mistakes because all of your Persian mistakes / errors on Persian grammar, vocabulary, etc. will be corrected.

Persian storytelling in Persian forum

داستان گویی در فارسی - انجمن آموزش زبان فارسی

Running a bilingual academy of English and Persian, we, at LELB Society, use a particular Farsi forum for storytelling. Evidently, we use another forum for English storytelling, as well. In these specific forums, our English and Farsi learners are encouraged to use their creativity to finish open-ended stories in both English and Farsi. Open-ended storytelling is an ideal practice for using new vocabulary in context. Furthermore, this educational activity is carried out interactivity.

In other words, as instructed clearly in the above-mentioned forum, each Persian student can write just one paragraph to continue telling the stories. It means that our Farsi and English students are not supposed to put an end to the stories too abruptly. Later on, the other Farsi learners should carry on telling or completing the Persian stories interactively.

Using tags to classify Persian forum

Tags and Keywords at LELB Society

Here at LELB Society, we’re using tags to classify 4,000+ English and Persian lessons and Farsi forums as well. With accurate tagging, you can access related lessons and topics in forums to further your study and expand your learning. The following are among the most popular tags used in the topics of our Persian forums with English translation:

  1. Animals / حیوانات
  2. Education / تحصیل
  3. Free time / وقت آزاد
  4. Hobbies / سرگرمی
  5. Jobs / شغل ها
  6. Kindness / مهربانی
  7. Lifestyle / سبک زندگی
  8. Persian stories / داستان های فارسی
  9. Studying / مطالعه
  10. Writing practice / انشای فارسی

Persian conversation in Farsi forums

Content-based instruction in language learning

We use content-based instruction or CBI to develop interesting and engaging content in both English and Persian. The same approach, i.e. CBI is also employed in creating interesting and thought-provoking topics in our Persian forums. These interesting topics in our forums can definitely trigger ideal conversations in Farsi both in our online Persian classes and asynchronous Persian learning system.

The implementation of asynchronous learning and flipped learning, particularly the round table activity developed and proposed by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, the founder of LELB Society, can make you independent of online Persian classes if you’re an adult Persian learner and your proficiency in Farsi is above elementary. We guarantee all your learning needs in Farsi will be 100% satisfied asynchronously without any live classes because of the following:

  1. You can interact with your Persian teacher by exchanging text and voice messages without any limitation during your monthly membership.
  2. You can access 400+ Persian lessons with video tutorials taught on the premise of flipped classroom.
  3. You can try our Persian learning subscription plan FREE before registration to make sure it is suitable for you. Contact us for free trial.

Student portfolio assessment in Persian forum

Student portfolio assessment at LELB Society

To implement portfolio assessment in our bilingual academy, we’ve been using one of our forums in which Persian learners and teachers can interact with each other asynchronously. This ongoing interaction includes the assigned Persian materials and resources on the part of the teacher and the completed tasks on the part of the Farsi learners.

Portfolio assessment can help our Persian learners track their own progress in learning Farsi from the time they start becoming a student in our academy to any point of time because all of their educational activities are recorded, including their comments, replies, attended forums and topics, published articles and posts, and the like.