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Best Farsi Classes for Adults with 4000 Lessons & Videos

Are you searching for Farsi classes for adults? If that is the case, then congratulations! You’ve already found the best Persian courses for adults including both synchronous or live classes on Farsi and asynchronous learning based on 4000+ Persian and English lessons with videos and our full support 24/7.

Persian language resources for adults

Persian language resources for non-Persian speakers

Teaching Farsi to adults is different from young learners or children. In fact, farsi classes for adults must be supplemented with using appropriate Persian language resources that can satisfy adult Persian learners’ academic and communicative needs and interests.

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Best Persian short stories to learn Farsi at LELB Society

At LELB Society, which is a bilingual academy of English and Persian, learning Farsi is quite easy and enjoyable, thanks to our numerous Farsi lessons with videos and podcasts for a variety of purposes and needs. These Farsi lessons and resources come with English versions, too. For instance, the great collection of our Persian stories, written originally by our dedicated team of content developers, has an English version as well.

Content-based Instruction in Farsi classes

Content-based instruction in language learning

In our Farsi classes for adults, we use content-based instruction to offer Farsi classes based on our students’ communicative needs and interests. We have a wide range of Persian lessons with videos for any academic need, interest and objective. We’ve selected the most useful and communicative themes and subject matter as requested by our Farsi students to satisfy their needs as listed below:

Learn Farsi asynchronously

Benefits of asynchronous learning in online education

If you’re busy and you cannot join our online Persian classes at fixed times, do not worry at all as we have plans for you. With our unmatched Farsi language resources enriched with embedded videos and comment forms, you don’t necessarily need to attend online Persian classes to learn Farsi. Instead, you can cleverly opt for monthly membership or subscription to LELB Society.

Asynchronous Conversations in Farsi in Audio or Voice Discussion Board at LELB Society for Non-Persian Speakers

Learning Farsi asynchronously at LELB Society is noticeably cost-effective because it will charge you the price of technically one single live class on Farsi. It is as if you just pay for one single live class, and in return, you will learn Farsi for a complete month with our full support.

Live chat at LELB Society to leave voice messages and attach files

Asynchronous learning at LELB Society works in this way that after registering at LELB Society and trying all services for free, you will log in to your account. Then you will see a live chat at the bottom-right corner of your screen. On this live chat, you can send and receive unlimited voice and text messages to/from your Persian teacher.

Leave voice messages and attach files on live chat

In this way, you can autonomously study thousands of lessons with videos at your own convenience. Then if needed, you can contact your Farsi teacher anytime anywhere, asking them any question you might have. This is comparatively much better than farsi classes for adults synchronously in live classes.

Persian forums for non-Persian speakers

Our adult Farsi learners can join our classified Persian forums to learn Farsi online asynchronously and in interaction with the other Farsi learners. Currently at LELB Society, Persian students can access the following Farsi forums:

  1. Feedback box for LELB Society’s students
  2. Persian conversation questions for speaking
  3. Persian language forum to ask Farsi questions
  4. Practice writing in Farsi for Persian learners
  5. Student portfolio assessment at LELB Society
  6. Storytelling in Farsi to practice speaking and writing

Persian Forum to Ask Questions at LELB Society

Our Farsi students can participate in our Persian forums to ask us any questions they have about Persian grammar, vocabulary, etc. They can also give us their valuable feedback on our teaching methodology. As stated above, portfolio assessment is quite feasible with the help of a special forum for this particular purpose. Needless to say, we respond to all comments and questions in our Persian forums and comment forms professionally and immediately.

Free trial on Farsi classes for adults

Free trial for new students at LELB Society

To guarantee your academic satisfaction in our Persian courses, we offer you the first session totally free. Therefore, you will not lose any penny if you are not content with our Persian language learning plans and packages. This free trial applies to both live classes on Farsi and learning Persian asynchronously through flipped learning.

Flipping Persian classes for adults

flipped classroom LELB Society

At LELB Society, which is a bilingual academy of English and Persian, flipped learning is one of the core features of our education system. This is mainly because all 400+ Farsi lessons at LELB Society come with videos and lectures embedded in the lessons. You can study our Farsi lessons and resources and watch the corresponding videos at the same time. This is one of the building blocks of flipping language classes.

Collaborative flipped learning through CALL to account for social presence in online English classes

In other words, we have already taught all of the Farsi lessons in our academy, and the number of our Farsi lessons is increasing almost every day. However, if you still have any question even after watching the embedded videos inside the lessons, you can simply use the comment forms at the bottom of each Persian lesson and post your question or comment there.

Leave voice and text comments at LELB Society to learn asynchronously

What’s more, if you happen to have questions irrelevant to the lessons, you can always participate in our Farsi forums, posting your Persian questions there and expecting to receive detailed answers immediately. As you can see, at LELB Society, Persian learners can join online Persian classes and benefit from asynchronous learning at the same time, something which is rarely found elsewhere.

Farsi classes for adults on Persian alphabet

Learn Persian alphabet with videos for non-Persian speakers

If you’re concerned with learning Persian alphabet, which is so different from western languages, we have good news for you. In our Farsi classes for adults, we use our Persian resources and lessons on Farsi alphabet enriched with video tutorials and comment forms. In our Persian alphabet category, we’ve already taught all Farsi lessons on reading and writing in Persian.

Learn Persian Alphabet Letter i at LELB Society with podcast

Our Persian alphabet category has been taught both in English and Farsi for non-Persian speakers. Furthermore, our Farsi learners can send us their handwritings in Persian for complete analysis. To practice writing in Farsi classes for adults, summary writing and essay writing are additionally practiced, especially in our Persian forums.