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Categories of English & Persian Lessons at LELB Society

At LELB Society, thousands of English and Persian lessons with videos and podcasts have been categorized below. Select the category or categories that best fit with your needs and interests. The numbers in front of each category show the number of lessons or posts in that category.

You can also browse all lessons from another taxonomy, that is, popular tags or archives. LELB Society is on WordPress, and you can easily find the lessons you need by narrowing down your search to your favorite content with our tags that function as indexes at the end of books.

Categories of English and Persian lessons

Archive of lessons

Another taxonomy at LELB Society is monthly archives of lessons starting from August 2015 to the present. The total archive of our lessons proves that our team has been really prolific from the birth of LELB Society to the present.

Complete list of forums

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Check out the full list of our English and Persian forums in our academic community.