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English forum to ask questions English forum to ask questions Use the interactive comment form below in this English forum to ask us your English questions about English grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, essay writing, our online English classes, and the like. Our professional English teachers and team will respond to your questions immediately. You can leave both text and…

Lie (Tell Untruths) vs. Lie (Recline) vs. Lay (put)

Lie (tell untruths) vs. Lie (recline) vs. Lay (put) Common Grammar Mistakes in English at LELB Society with examples

Lie (Tell Untruths) vs. Lie (Recline) vs. Lay (put) – Common grammar mistakes in English with examples and conjugations Watch this video on YouTube. Lie (tell untruths) Conjugation: lie – lied – lied – lying Wrong: Many years ago, his wife laid to him. Right: Many years ago, his wife lied to him. Wrong: He…

Resume Writing with Samples and Layouts | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

Resume Writing with Samples Resume Writing with Samples What is a Resume? A resume is a short written account of your education and job experience sent to an employer when you apply for a job or expect an interview. It covers some main parts, including skills, work experiences, and achievements. How to Format Your Resume?…

Letter Closing Terms | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

Letter Closing Terms Letter closing in business letters is really important because letter closing terms, especially in business letter writing will create a positive impression on your addressee. The type of term you use to close your business letter should depend on your affiliation or relationship with the person you are writing the letter to,…

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present participles Watch this video on YouTube. Both present and past participles are also called verbal adjectives because, on the one hand, they are used to describe a noun; and on the other hand, they look like a verb. Present participles…

Indirect Speech | English Grammar for IELTS

Indirect Speech in English LELB Society

Indirect Speech Indirect speech, unlike direct speech in English, is used to report what somebody has said or thought in a particular situation. Pay attention to the following examples: Watch this video on YouTube. Direct speech: She said, “I’m deeply upset about the way my father treated me.” Indirect speech: She said that she was…

English Conjunctions

Academic Articles LELB Society

English Conjunctions and Their Functions English Conjunctions and Their Functions What are conjunctions? English conjunctions are words or sets of words that are used to join sentences or parts of sentences smoothly together. If you plan to write English essays, you need to know how to use conjunctions effectively. There are three types of conjunctions…

Adverb Clause in English

English Grammar LELB Society

Adverb Clause in English Adverb Clause in English The Outline of This Lesson on Adverb Clause in English Watch this video on YouTube. What is an adverb clause? An adverb clause is a dependent clause or subordinate clause in English, which is the opposite of an independent clause. In a compound sentence, both the independent…