Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice

Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice

Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice

Related Idioms & Expressions about criticism

  1. A sacred cow
  2. Acrimonious criticism
  3. Call someone on the carpet
  4. Feedback is the breakfast of champions
  5. Jump down someone’s throat
  6. Not hold water
  7. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
  8. Put someone down
  9. Rub it in
  10. Run the gauntlet
  11. Shoot someone down in flames
  12. Take the flak
  13. The pot calling the kettle black
  14. Throw the book at someone

Argue for/against

Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.

Criticism should always be accepted with open arms.

Call for Feedback

Please help us to improve the quality of this class and our online community (LELB Society) by expressing your precious ideas about this question:

In our Round Table activity, the students are the main content developers of the class in the form of comments and replies in our comment forms. How do you compare this autonomy-raising activity with the one in which you exclusively respond to the teacher’s question, which is not prioritized in our online community?

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4135

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29 thoughts on “Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice”

    • Capitalize “w” in “why”.
      “A” in “and” should be capitalized because it is at the outset of the sentence.
      Your first question: which facts are you talking about?

      • There should be some rules in criticizing people. The most important one is knowing the personality and characteristics of the person we are going to criticize. Some people has very sensitive personality,so we should be careful that our criticisms don’t bother them. The second factor is finding a suitable condition to criticize. It’s better to criticize people privately because most people usually become ashamed being criticized in front of others. The third one is knowing the way of expressing our criticisms. We should have in our mind that criticizing people should be done in respectful manners. We should focus on the intended specific matter and don’t relate it to other things. In other words we should not over generalize it.


        • So meaningful and practical! I do appreciate it.
          With your permission, I comment on your form, because the meaning is flawless.
          some people has –> have
          sensitive personality (space),
          ashamed of being criticized
          we should bear or keep in mind that
          be careful that lest our criticims should bother
          don’te relate it to –> not relate it to (in reference to ‘should’)

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