Candor 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2

Candor 1100 Words You Need

Candor 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2 with authentic materials, text-to-speech, illustrated flashcards, synonyms and antonyms for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

/ˈkæn.dəʳ/ (noun)

the state of being honest and truthful, integrity, frankness, candid quality, lack of sophistication, innocence, sincerity, naivete, openness, unpretentiousness, ingeniousness

lasted two hours. It might not be proper to repeat all that was said on the occasion. The utmost candor was shown by all of us. Mr. Satterthwaite, of Beaufort, was present. He is dead, and Gov. Vance and myself are the only survivors. I believe I may truly say that, in this conversation Gov. Graham agreed with me rather than with Gov. Vance. It is probable that Gov. Graham took no active part for State action looking to an honorable peace, because he hoped and believed that Mr. Davis himself would make overtures for peace. I have it from a distinguished ex-member of the Confederate Congress from this State, that at Gov. Graham’s request he sounded Mr. Davis early in 1865 as to his final purpose in this regard, and that the answer of Mr. Davis was, and given with emphasis, “I will never accept any peace short of the independence of the Confederacy.” When this answer was reported to Gov. Graham, he said, “then Mr. Davis has deceived me.”


Antonym: disingenuousness, sophistication, treachery

Adjective: candid

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