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Definition of Ipso Facto in Real Context with Synonyms

Definition of Ipso Facto in authentic context and examples as a Latin-based phrase in English for advanced learners of English with synonyms

/ˌɪp.səʊˈfæk.təʊ/ (adv)


by the fact itself, by reasoning on the premise of previously known facts, by that very fact, hence, as an inevitable result, as a result, therefore, consequently, in consequence, thus


Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as “by the fact itself”, which means that a specific phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. (Contrast this with the expressions “by itself” or “per se”.)

Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., “Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance” (from Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or “If a man sells a house, he ipso facto sells with it the door.”

Source of example: https://en.wikipedia.org/

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