Definition of dolorous with real examples and images together with synonyms and antonyms for advanced learners of English
/ˈdɒl.ər.əs/ (adj)
sad or saddening, causing emotional suffering, painful and mournful, lamentable, grievous, dire, deplorable, calamitous, doleful, regrettable, feeling great distress
If your child is sad, you’re probably feeling concerned. Sad children may cry, pout, act disengaged, or generally act abnormal, which can be very alarming to a parent. There are many reasons why your child might be sad or look dolorous, so start by asking your child about what’s bothering him.
Don’t shy away from talking about troubling situations. If there’s a death, divorce, or separation in the family, acknowledge it and answer any questions your child might have.
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Parts of speech
Adverb: dolorously
Noun: dolorousness