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English Storytelling on the Red Shoes

English Storytelling on the Red Shoes

English Storytelling on the Red Shoes

Story Source:

Watch the original story.

Story Told by LELB Society’s Student:

  1. Morteza
  2. Sasan

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  • They really catched her attention: caught her attention

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  • There was a old lady: … an old lady
  • Karren was a orphan girl: … an orphan girl

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  • Angel: /ˈeɪn.dʒəl/
  • Interested about the food: interested in the food

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  • At the other day: on the other day
  • She hide them: she hid them
  • The old woman noticed that the girl has worn: … had worn

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  • In the funeral ceremony that they participated: … they participated in
  • Whispered towards the red shoes: whispered to the red shoes

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  • Their shoes: her shoes / the shoes
  • The shoes take the girl: … took the girl to the jungle
  • She hurt: she was hurt
  • He: she

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  • The feet of the girl is injured: were injured

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  • He: she
  • Going back to home: going back home

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  • The girl came back to the home: … came back home
  • She prayed to the God: she prayed to God
  • She wants forgiveness: she asked for forgiveness
  • She promised that not to be: she promised not to be

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  • Because of his behavior: … her behavior

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