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Essay on Climate Change with Full Essay & Assessment

Essay on climate change with full essay and detailed assessment submitted to us by our students and members. Join LELB Society’s members and send us your essays and articles for deep analysis and assessment.

IELTS essay question on climate change

Many scientists have warned us about the chronic situation of climate change, especially in the third millennium. However, there are still some people who disregard this warning.

What is your opinion about the severity of climate change from a global point of view? Give reasons to support your claim.

Essay on climate change

Scientist usually warned us about the significance of climate change. Some people and worse than that some officials in different countries disregards these warnings. I cannot understand why they do that. If we look back through the long history of our planet we see that many of the big changes happened on the earth when the living situation for inhabitants of the planet changed. Even some species exterminated because of changing in living conditions. I think that if we do not pay enough attention to how we badly behave toward our planet sooner or later we will have to leave it. Our bad treatment with the single known inhibitable planet in the world and our ignorance in thinking that it only belongs to human being without considering other inhabitants -even our next generation – will learn us a bad lesson in future. Our activities in consuming too much fossil fuels and defrostation in past century and recent decades changed the situation to a warmer planet. The impacts of climate change on different sectors of society are interrelated. Global warming , greenhouse effects and deforestation lead to drought and less food production and harm our health. Defrostation means more flood and flooding will damage ecosystem and infrastructures. All of these will cause more morbidities and more mortalities so sooner or later will come a day that we have no other choice than leaving our nice and beautiful planet.

  1. Scientists
  2. warned = have warned us – Why did you change the tense of the verb?
  3. disregard
  4. but / however I cannot understand why they do that – Use more conjunctions to connect sentences.
  5. planet,
  6. living / environmental conditions
  7. were exterminated
  8. changes / major changes
  9. in their living conditions
  10. leave it ==> You need to use more formal and scientific vocabulary instead of ‘leave it’. For example, find another substitute for our current home.
  11. in the universe
  12. human beings
  13. teach us
  14. in the future
  15. over the last century / during the last century
  16. changed our environment
  17. warming,
  18. the ecosystem
  19. more morbidities and mortalities
  20. As a result / Therefore, sooner or later (Use more formal conjunctions, and you’ve used ‘so’ previously.)
  21. there will be a day when / it will come a day when

Analysis and scoring

  • Analysis
    • The entire article is in one paragraph, which violates the standard structure and format of the IELTS essay.
  • Cohesion and coherence: 11 of 25%
  • Grammatical range and accuracy: 14 of 25%
  • Lexical resources: 17 of 25%
  • Task achievement: 21 of 25%
  • Spelling: Good
  • Punctuation: Needs improvement
  • Word Count: 234 – Below the standard benchmark of 250 words
  • Time on Essay Writing: 40 Min – Excellent
  • Band score: 5 of 9

7 comments on “Essay on Climate Change with Full Essay & Assessment”

    • So happy that you like essay writing activity in our bilingual academy, Sam. After all, you used to be well-acquainted with this educational activity.

  1. Climate change could be very bad and make the end of the humanity.
    We must be smart and focus on climate changes in this planet.
    Like north pole and south pole are getting warm and warmer in this days because of too many cars
    , using fossil fuels, destroying forests and other bad behavior towards nature.
    Actually the human being is destroying nature.
    This is not good at all for our humanity.

  2. Scientist usually warned us about the significance of climate change. Some people and worse than that some officials in different countries disregards these warnings. I cannot understand why they do that. If we look back through the long history of our planet we see that many of the big changes happened on the earth when the living situation for inhabitants of the planet changed. Even some species exterminated because of changing in living conditions. I think that if we do not pay enough attention to how we badly behave toward our planet sooner or later we will have to leave it. Our bad treatment with the single known inhibitable planet in the world and our ignorance in thinking that it only belongs to human being without considering other inhabitants -even our next generation – will learn us a bad lesson in future. Our activities in consuming too much fossil fuels and defrostation in past century and recent decades changed the situation to a warmer planet. The impacts of climate change on different sectors of society are interrelated. Global warming , greenhouse effects and deforestation lead to drought and less food production and harm our health. Defrostation means more flood and flooding will damage ecosystem and infrastructures. All of these will cause more morbidities and more mortalities so sooner or later will come a day that we have no other choice than leaving our nice and beautiful planet.

    40 min

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