Sense of Integrity English Question for Discussion

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    • #109870

      Sense of integrity

      In an excellent restaurant, after eating an expensive and decent meal, you realize that, in your check, you were not charged for one of the expensive things you already ate. Would you care to inform the waiter or waitress? Why?

    • #109901
      Armaghan Houshmand

      If I am wealthy enough to eat in and excellent expensive restaurant, then why would I not pay for the forgotten meal?

      • #109912

        That’s a good point. However, you might rationalize that the meal wasn’t really worth that handsome amount of money. Actually, I’ve seen many rich people who are so stingy, as well.

    • #109902
      Soroosh Houshmand

      I actually care and go tell them.
      Because if don’t pay for that food and go on I well get a really bad feelings that I don’t pay for that food

      • #109913

        Yeah, I have the same response to this question, too. In fact, I don’t like to grow a troubled conscience.

    • #109903
      Farhang Hooshmand

      I inform them. If I do not not do that I always be ashamed of myself thinking that I behaved like a dishonest person. I think morality is one of the main pillars of a society and it affects other people and spread like a nice fragrance everywhere or contaminate other people like a serious contagious illness.

      • #109914

        You’re absolutely right about the impact of morality on society. A clear conscience will lead to an abundance of self-esteem. When we do something wrong, subconsciously, we know that there might be dire consequence.

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