Definition of Glabrous with Synonyms & Antonyms

Definition of Glabrous in visual dictionary with visual thesaurus in authentic context for advanced English learners and IELTS, TOEFL & GRE candidates

/ˈɡleɪbrəs/ (adj)


bald and without hair, smooth, hairless


A deciduous tree that is capable of growing to more than 25 m tall. Canopy is dense and spreading. However, a commonly grown cultivar has a narrow, columnar crown. Branches are thick and sappy, armed with large, scattered thorns. Bark is grey-green and furrowed. Young shoots and stems are covered with fine hairs at first, later become glabrous. Leaves are trifoliate and alternate in arrangement. Leaf stalk is 2 to 28 cm long and rachis is 10 to 12 cm in length. Leaflets are green in colour, ovate to broadly rhomboid in shape, usually wider than long; terminal leaflet is the largest.

Source of example:


hairy, unsmooth, hirsute

Parts of speech

Noun: glabrousness

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