Essay 1 on Going on a Trip with Friends

English essay on going on a trip written by LELB Society students to practice writing in an interactive manner

Situation 1: I was bored and decided to go on a trip.
Situation 2: I just thought I could have a friend as company.
Situation 3: I called three friends of mine.
Situation 4: My friends couldn’t join me.
Situation 5: I packed my stuff and set off for the beach all alone.
Type of Essay: Narrative

Essayists: Sam and Taraneh

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Going on a road trip

It was Wednesday afternoon. I had two days off, Thursday and Friday. I had a busy week and now a long weekend ahead, I always had a thirst for adventure, so I came up with the idea of setting off for a journey. But my family couldn’t join me, because my mother had some household tasks, and my father had some writings to do. He is a translator. He is translating a new book about logic, and is so busy with that. These difficulties didn’t make me frustrated. I was so eager to put my idea into practice. I was stiff bored with routines.

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I had slightly changed my plan in order to implement it. Hopefully, I remembered a couple of my friends who always have itchy travel feet. They have gone all over the world and brought me a lot of gifts from their journeys. Moreover we are so close to each other. I was sure they would join me for this weekend. So I drew up a schedule for my trip and stuck to it, I decided to call them and unveil my plan with eager anticipation. I hoped they wouldn’t reject it totally.

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Amongst my close friends, I had to pick three of them, simply because of our facilities and top of that lack of a spacious car we had. As I decided, I called them for joining in the marvelous weekend journey, which I’d planned. The plan with those friends who almost always had a great sense of humor and some skills to get more pleasure through creating fantastic ambiances in every situation became extraordinarily wonderful. Surprisingly, we could accelerate joy of each other and share it during or even after the journey. That’s why I wanted to arrange a journey with the friends.

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I called them one by one; amazingly, all of them were engaged with lots of chores and household tasks with the same forms. Honestly, they tried to accept my invitation, but they could not do it. I changed my programme into a better itinerary to get great pleasure as a good opportunity to think out of the box and behave independently in a way, which is gained just through any situation in which I am alone. In every atmosphere like this, one can enjoy, if and only if, one have an adequate level of knowing about oneself. In a journey without nice companionship I could explore inside of myself so that I might find out some traits that I’ve not been familiar with.

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Eventually, I packed my stuff and set off for the beach all alone. It is not far from my region; it takes less than an hour to go there. Sunbathing or swimming is the best I liked to do as everyone like. When I went there, exceptionally I wanted to run along the seashore for a few minutes. At that time, I saw a person who tries to make an artistic masterpiece with sand. It was the portrait of famous celebrities in cinema. After a while, I noticed, he and I are so close to each other regarding creating these things. We built three sandy sculptures of three famous people. Do not you think that making sandy objects in the calm atmosphere, seeing the pure and attractive bluish colour of sea and listening to the waves along the coast make your weekend brilliant?

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