Opponent 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 14
/əˈpəʊ.nənt/ (noun)
a person who competes with you or challenges you in a sport, challenger, adversary or rival, contender, contestant, combatant, competitor, match – a person who disagrees with you, opposer, antagonist, enemy, foe, dissenter, objector
I’m trying to picture the scenario you have in mind. Unlike professional wrestling, it is fairly uncommon for a fighter to be outside the boxing ring during a match. For the fighter to be outside the ring would generally require that he either a slipped/trip/jumped out of the ring like Kermit Cintron did against Paul Williams several years ago, or else was knocked out of the ring via knockdown as has happened famously on several occasions throughout history. I’m not sure if simply being knocked out of the ring in that way is what you are asking about, or if you are asking about the opponent or perhaps a third party punching the fighter after he is already out of the ring for one of those reasons.
Source: https://www.quora.com/
Antonyms: proponent, ally
Noun: opponency