IELTS Listening Practice | Change Your Life

IELTS Listening Practice | Change

IELTS Listening Practice | Change

About this activity

  • This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society.
  • This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class.
  • This activity is on the basis of both synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to which the students are also encouraged to be active even before the class.
  • In this flipped classroom activity, the students are encouraged to utilize the comment form at the bottom of the post to to exchange their questions, findings, and experiences with each other. Later on, we will discuss the asynchronous activities in the class. In a few words, “let’s learn from each other.”

About the Video Files

  • The video files are meticulously selected among the most prominent academicians, lecturers, and scientists based on Google Scholar.
  • We might refer to the exact elapsed time ⌛️ of the video files to pinpoint specific statements, messages, etc.

Writing Activity

  • You should adopt a formal register in your written contributions in the comment form.
  • To give an answer to a question or comment, use the Reply button.
  • In our written activities, we can practice negotiation of meaning (sharing our findings with regard to the selected themes) and negotiation of form (performing peer-reviewed error correction).
  • Put a number before your questions in the comment form successively to refer to them more easily in the class.
  • Your questions should be unique and not previously raised by your classmates in the comment form.


  • You should take equal turns in speaking. The maximum amount of time you can have is 60 seconds.
  • This is a fully organized activity; consequently, all your contributions, including comments, replies, and verbal opinions, must be with direct reference to the assigned topic and its corresponding video. Any irrelevant contribution is strongly frowned upon.
  • You will be stopped if your speech appears to be irrelevant or not supported by evidence.
  • Students leaving comments below will be given priority over others in our informed conversations.

Selected Text

Free English Webinar on Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone is like embarking on an uncharted journey where growth and self-discovery await. Change requires courage and a willingness to embrace the unfamiliar, challenging your routines, habits, and mindsets. By pushing boundaries, you cultivate resilience, broaden your perspectives, and uncover hidden potential. Each step taken outside your comfort zone is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and evolve, ultimately leading to personal and professional growth that transforms not only your life but also how you perceive and engage with the world around you.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4145

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47 thoughts on “IELTS Listening Practice | Change Your Life”

    • Because they set finding new cheese as their main goal and tried to achieve that. On the other side, the two little men were trying to figure out that who moved their cheese and they hoped that someone brings it back.

      • ? Exactly!
        The mice did not complicate the situations any further. One of the themes of this story is that sometimes we need to rely on our instincts instead of overthinking.

      • I just wished to see at least one question posed by you in this comment form. The best way to learn something is to make a contribution, and not just responding to something. Productivity is a more mature state compared to being just receptive.

  1. What do you think about these questions:
    Who moved my cheese?
    Is it important to know who moved my cheese or not?
    What leadership lessons can we obtain from this story?

  2. Thank you Dr for this interesting short story video.
    We see four characters in this video: Two mice and two little people. Two mice anticipate and realize that these cheeses will finish and prepare themselves to change their route in finding new cheeses.
    Haw learns to move with the cheese while hem remains locked in old way of doing things and waits to be returned his cheese. We don’t be like hem in our life because he tries but his effort is ineffective and he remains in his old and routine way. Haw after doing wasteful efforts, realize to change his strategy and path. He goes ahead to find new cheeses .
    I think this story shows that the change is necessary in our life because of problems everyone has. In our life we need to change to achieve our wishes and happiness.

    • You’re very welcome.
      ? Thanks so much for your comprehensive analysis!
      As you wisely commented, sometimes, we should be proactive, rather than reactive, making necessary predictions about the future and potential consequences. Moreover, we are encouraged to get out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves while confronted with predicaments and complicated issues.

  3. First thank you D.r for this shows us that situations change in our life and if we don’t find solutions for our problem we get into trouble. If we don’t change our mind we can not live. We have to risk.

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