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Juvenile Delinquency | An IELTS Essay Sample

Juvenile Delinquency | An IELTS Essay Sample

Juvenile Delinquency | An IELTS Essay Sample

? Topic:

The rate of juvenile delinquency is increasing rapidly in most cities around the world.

What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions to this issue.

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? The Essayist: Sasan

Nowadays, the brutality and heinous crimes of the youths have increased unexpectedly. To address this issue, some reasons behind this problems and also some suggestions for solving that have been discussed, in this essay.

In the recent era, because of globalization and urbanization the young blood are in a cut-throat competition in order to attain a better situation in their lives. So, having been confronted with difficulties and hardships, the young despair of success and go through criminal activities. Moreover, the paucity of mutual understanding and gap generation between parents and children could act as a catalyst for proliferation of criminal tendency among the young.

To overcome this problem, some measures could be implemented. For instance, the governments should create more job opportunities, leisure facilities, dole for the unemployed, and so on. In doing so, the level of illegal activities would decrease undoubtedly. Also, an austere prosecution for violence and also better patrolling the cities could be influential.

✅ Error Correction:

  • Line 1: “brutality” must be parallel to “heinousness” of crimes.
  • Line 1: “the young” is a much better alternative to “the youths”, especially because it is after “the”.
  • Line 5: ❌ the paucity of :arrow: a paucity of
  • Line 5: ❌ gap generation :arrow: generation gap
  • Line 6: the proliferation of …
  • Line 6: a criminal tendency

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1 thought on “Juvenile Delinquency | An IELTS Essay Sample”

  1. Nowadays, the brutality and heinous crimes of the youths have increased unexpectedly. To address this issue, some reasons behind this problems and also some suggestions for solving that have been discussed, in this essay.
    In the recent era, because of globalization and urbanization the young blood are in a cut-throat competition in order to attain a better situation in their lives. So, having been confronted with difficulties and hardships, the young despair of success and go through criminal activities. Moreover, the paucity of mutual understanding and gap generation between parents and children could act as a catalyst for proliferation of criminal tendency among the young.
    To overcome this problem, some measures could be implemented. For instance, the governments should create more job opportunities, leisure facilities, dole for the unemployed, and so on. In doing so, the level of illegal activities would decrease undoubtedly. Also, an austere prosecution for violence and also better patrolling the cities could be influential.

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