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Non Compos Mentis 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Non Compos Mentis 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with synonyms, antonyms and illustrations for GRE & SAT candidates and advanced learners of English as a Latin word

/ˌnɒnˌkɒm.pəsˈmen.tɪs/ (adj)


a person who is mentally ill and therefore not responsible for what they do as they cannot think clearly or logically, mad, insane, unbalanced, not in one’s right mind, (in law) a person who is not legally competent to make sound decisions or control their behavior or actions, crazy, lunatic, manic


The Latin non compos mentis translates as “not of sound mind.” In the 1928, the Supreme Court of California stated that the term’s legal usage encompassed “all degrees of mental incompetency known to the law” and compared it to the Standard Dictionary definition of an “unsound mind.” In specifying the term’s legal scope, the Court of Civil Appeals of Alabama, in the 1985 Goza v. Goza holding, noted that “[m]ere emotional instability or depression” does not qualify as non compos mentis, and that while the term “does not necessarily denote a total destruction of the intellect, … there must be at least such a severe impairment of the mental faculties as to make the movant incapable of protecting himself or of managing his affairs.”

Source of example: https://www.law.cornell.edu/


sage, wise person

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