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Refection Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Refection meaning in authentic context and short passages about meal and food from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with images and illustrations. Improve your vocabulary in context with the word, refection.

/rɪˈfɛkʃ(ə)n/ (noun)

Refection meaning

refreshment by light food or drink, repast, snack, light meal


Hunger is the main motivation behind snacking, but factors like location, social environment, time of day, and food availability contribute as well.

In fact, people often snack when appetizing food is around — even when they’re not hungry.

In one study, when people with obesity or excess weight were asked why they chose unhealthy snacks or refection, the most common response was temptation, followed by hunger and low energy levels.

Source of example: https://www.healthline.com/

Parts of speech

Noun: refectory

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