The Fisherman and the Sprat by Aesop for ESL Students

The Fisherman and the Sprat by Aesop for ESL students with a podcast, list of vocabulary in real context and the Persian version to raise bilingual children

The Fisherman and the Sprat is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project.

Podcast of the Fisherman and the Sprat

The Fisherman and the Sprat

A fisherman cast his net into the sea, and when he drew it up again, it contained nothing but a single sprat that begged to be put back into the water.

The Fisherman and His Wife at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards
The Fisherman and the Sprat by Aesop with vocabulary practice in real context

“I’m only a little fish now,” it said, “but I shall grow big one day, and then if you come and catch me again, I shall be of some use to you.”

But the fisherman replied, “Oh, no, I shall keep you now I’ve got you: if I put you back, should I ever see you again? Not likely!”

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Vocabulary in context

  1. sprat: a small edible fish
  2. shall: (modal auxiliary verb) indicating what will or ought to happen in the future
  3. replied: answered
  4. likely: probably going to happen

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4146

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2 thoughts on “The Fisherman and the Sprat by Aesop for ESL Students”

  1. The story was really short and it was hard for me to find the point of this short story. But I think the fish was tricking him to run away and live his life.

    • To some extent, you got it right. However, the fish is not at the heart of attention in this short story. The fisherman’s attitude is of primary importance, which can be re-interpreted with this common English proverb:

      A bird in the hand is worth tow in the bush.

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