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The Salty Sea | Storytelling in English

The Salty Sea | Storytelling in English

The Salty Sea | Storytelling in English

Story Told by LELB Society’s Student: Sasan

The story is about a poor guy who cannot provide his family members with food and clothes.

The Salty Sea - poor family

As a last resort, he went to his rich brother’s house and asked for money.

The Salty Sea - Asking for money

Unfortunately, his brother refused to give him money and treated him bitterly.

The Salty Sea - Refusing to Give Money

As a result, he got frustrated

The Salty Sea - Frustrated Man

and as he was on the way, he faced an elderly man who was carrying a bundle of sticks.

The Salty Sea - Carrying sticks

The guy decided to help the old man because the bunch of wood was heavy.

The Salty Sea - Helping the old man

The old man asked the guy about his feelings because he looked worried.

The Salty Sea - Apprehension

The guy explained his problem to the old man

The Salty Sea - Worried man

and the old man suggested a solution.

The Salty Sea - Solution

In fact, the old man told him ” you needed to go through the jungle until you reached a hut

The Salty Sea - Jungle

in which some dwarfs were living.

The Salty Sea - 3 Dwarfs

You should give them a piece of cookie and asked them for a grinder”.


So, the guy found the hut and entered there

The Salty Sea - Entering

and the midgets disappointed at first

The Salty Sea - Disappointment

and when they saw a cookie in his hands, they welcomed him.

The Salty Sea - Welcoming

He gave them a piece of cookie

The Salty Sea - bread

and received a grinder made of stone.

The Salty Sea - Grinder

Actually, whenever he rotated the grind and asked for something the grinder fulfilled the wish

The Salty Sea - Fulfilling

and if the guy cover the grinder with a red cloth it stopped working.

The Salty Sea - Cloth

In doing so, he used the grinder for a while and got affluent.

The Salty Sea - Rich man

Unfortunately, his brother envied him strongly and stole the grinder.

The Salty Sea - Stealing

The brother took his family along with the grinder and went through the sea by a boat.

The Salty Sea - Boat

During the journey he asked the grinder for salt

The Salty Sea - Salt

and he did not know how to stop the action of grinder.

The Salty Sea - Stop Action

So, the boat became heavy and soaked in the sea.

The Salty Sea - Drowning

The Message of the Story


Storytelling in English can give you this unique opportunity to practice summary writing and paraphrasing in English. You should watch the embedded video below as many times as you need and attempt to rephrase or interpret the plot of the story in the form of comments. Notice that storytelling is a group activity. In other words, the length of the video is divided into the number of the storytellers, and each storyteller is responsible for his/her own sequence.

Story Source: My Pingu TV

Watch this video on YouTube.

1 thought on “The Salty Sea | Storytelling in English”

  1. The story is about a poor guy who cannot provide his family members with food and clothes. As a last resort, he went to his rich brother’s house and asked for money. Unfortunately, his brother refused to give him money and treated him bitterly. As a result, he got frustrated and as he was on the way, he faced an elderly man who was carrying a bundle of sticks. The guy decided to help the old man because the bunch of wood was heavy. The old man asked the guy about his feelings because he looked worried. The guy explained his problem to the old man and the old man suggested a solution. In fact, the old man told him ” you needed to go through the jungle until you reached a hut in which some dwarfs were living. You should give them a piece of cookie and asked them for a grinder”. So, the guy found the hut and entered there and the midgets disappointed at first and when they saw a cookie in his hands, they welcomed him. He gave them a piece of cookie and received a grinder made of stone. Actually, whenever he rotated the grind and asked for something the grinder fulfilled the wish and if the guy cover the grinder with a red cloth it stopped working. In doing so, he used the grinder for a while and got affluent. Unfortunately, his brother envied him strongly and stole the grinder. The brother took his family along with the grinder and went through the sea by a boat. During the journey he asked the grinder for salt and he did not know how to stop the action of grinder. So, the boat became heavy and soaked in the sea.

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