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Knack – English Flashcard for Knack with Synonyms

Knack - English Flashcard for Knack

Knack Knack /næk/ (noun) natural ability or skill to do something, predisposition, talent, flair, aptitude, propensity, capability, capacity, gift, dexterity, expertise: He has a knack for making money. He would never have been successful without his inherited knack in compromising with his opponents. Do you think that having a knack for doing something necessarily leads…

Chef d’oeuvre – English Flashcard for Chef d’oeuvre

Chef d’oeuvre - English Flashcard for Chef d’oeuvre

Chef d’oeuvre Chef d’oeuvre /ˌʃeɪdˈɜː.vrə/ US /-ˈɝː-/ (noun) a great work of art, masterpiece, stroke of genius, tour de force, Chef-d’oeuvre: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the chefs d’oeuvre in painting. The painting could have been included as a praiseworthy chef d’oeuvre only if you had exhibited it publicly. Artists…

Dexterous – English Flashcard for Dexterous for IELTS

Dexterous - English Flashcard for Dexterous

Dexterous Dexterous /ˈdek.stər.əs/ US /-stɚ-/ (adj) physically skillful, quick-witted, adroit, nimble-fingered, handy, nimble, agile, acute, resourceful, skillful, ingenious, adept: His dexterous accounting abilities have made him important to the team. Using the kitchen utensils dexterously, he stood out in the crowd of chefs. You are supposed to be dexterous at using knives, otherwise you might…

Canvas – English Flashcard for Canvas with Synonyms

Canvas - English Flashcard for Canvas

Canvas Canvas /ˈkæn.vəs/ (noun) a strong and rough piece of cloth used for making tents, sails, bags and painting, heavy fabric or cloth, fabric for painting on, oil painting, work of art: Some artists prefer a board for painting to a canvas. Nowadays, scientists could scrutinize the authenticity of a painting by examining its canvas.