The Farmer and the Fox – English Fairy Tale

The Fox and the Farmer from Aesop at LELB Society to improve your English with stories

The Farmer and the Fox from Aesop’s Fables with a podcast and list of vocabulary to improve your English Source: Gutenberg Project at Watch this video on YouTube. A farmer, who bore a grudge against a fox for robbing his poultry yard, caught him at last, and being determined to take an ample revenge,…

Commence 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13

commence LELB Society

Commence 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13 /kəˈmens/ (verb) to start doing something, begin, initiate, set the ball rolling, launch into, inaugurate, originate, get the ball rolling, instigate, embark on The Planning Board Meeting will commence at 7:30 pm at which time the board will go into executive session to discuss pending litigation until approximately…

Revive 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13

revive LELB Society

Revive 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13 /rɪˈvaɪv/ (verb) to come back to life or existence or help someone or something to come back to life or existence again, bring around, recover, bring back, resuscitate, renew, revitalize, regain consciousness, restore, recuperate CPR may revive the person before the ambulance arrives. If they do revive: Generally,…

Famine 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13

famine LELB Society

Famine 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13 /ˈfæm.ɪn/ (noun) extreme food shortage leading to illness or death, drought, deprivation, shortfall, deficiency of something, scantiness, dearth, poverty, short supply, food scarcity, starvation, want, lack, paucity, insufficiency The ‘Great Leap Forward’-famine in China from 1959-61 was the single largest famine in history in terms of absolute numbers…

Journalist 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13

journalist LELB Society

Journalist 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13 /ˈdʒɜː.nə.lɪst/ (noun) a specialized writer, editor or reporter for a newspaper, magazine, television or radio, press officer, columnist, reporter, newscaster, correspondent, newsman, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, broadcaster, commentator, pressman As protests spread across the US, journalists are being attacked by police forces and even sustaining serious injuries Sheltered behind a…

Audible 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

audible LELB Society

Audible 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /ˈɔː.dɪ.bļ/ (adj) that can be heard easily, able to be heard, clear, loud and clear, distinct, noticeable, detectable, perceptible, hearable, discernible I have an ASUS that is about 3 years old. The sound on it is barely audible. I ran the troubleshooter in control panel and got no…

Decrease 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

decrease LELB Society

Decrease 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /dɪˈkriːs/ (noun & verb) to become less or smaller or make something become less or smaller, reduce, decline, lessen, dwindle, subside, deplete, shrink, diminish, abate, lower, wane, minimize, curtail, fall – reduction, cut, lessening, diminution, loss, shrinkage Food waste is a big problem in the United States. According…

Adequate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

adequate LELB Society

Adequate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /ˈæd.ə.kwət/ (adj) sufficient, enough, satisfactory for a specific purpose, quite good, acceptable, requisite, reasonable, plenty, ample, suitable Performance measurement and metrics have an important role to play in setting objectives, evaluating performance, and determining future courses of actions. Performance measurement and metrics pertaining to Supply Chain Management (SCM)…

Urgent 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

urgent LELB Society

Urgent 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /ˈɜː.dʒənt/ (adj) necessary to deal with immediately, essential, imperative, intense, grave, vital, needing immediate attention, pressing, exigent, acute, serious, critical, crucial, burning, compelling – earnest – persuasive, insistent, demanding, pleading, importunate Should the cut on your finger or the pain in your chest send you to the emergency…

Reveal 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

reveal LELB Society

Reveal 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /rɪˈviːl/ (verb) to make something public, make known, publicize, divulge, circulate, broadcast, leak, promulgate, show, disclose, evince, disseminate, let slip, betray, uncover, exhibit, expose, bring to light Read, listen, watch and master what millions and millions of people have already discovered. The Secret is yours to reveal and…