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Essay 32: Causality vs. Chaos Theory

Published on October 27th, 2015 | Last updated on May 31st, 2019 by | Category: IELTS Essay Writing Practice | No Comments on Essay 32: Causality vs. Chaos Theory | 94 Views | Reading Time: 3 minutes

From the genesis of the universe up to now, every phenomenon has experienced various forms and shapes either utterly similar or completely different from its own origin. Although some milestones have specific relationships between their past and future forms, others do have the missing link. It is believed that all phenomena have their own specific association with their initial forms whether genuinely or superficially throughout history.
To begin with, Aristotle said that we live in a world in which not only are principles and rules dominant, but also there is no room for unreasoning events. He also told that anything happens because of special reasons even if we do not know or observe its actual cause or causes. The hierarchy in the whole universe is particularly noticeable evidence, which helps humans to understand better about the existence of causality. If there were no precise relationships and arrangements between phenomena, it would be a fantasy world humans live in. Thus, this complicated and sophisticated world requires finite cause and effect relationships.
Additionally, any action or cause has an effect, even if it is not to see or acknowledge. This will make Newton’s third law of motion: every action has a reaction. To be more precise, every cause has its own direct or indirect consequences because of certain actions. The most important development of cause and effect law lays on the foundation of this planet and nothing more, nothing less.
To conclude, every action has its own reaction, which is deeply rooted in causality. It is felt that humans cannot come to this conclusion that the entire universe or single particle could be formed or come to existence on the premise of chaos theory. 282

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