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Gossamer – 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of Gossamer from 601 Words You Need to know to Pass Your Exam in visual dictionary and thesaurus and with synonyms and antonyms used in authentic examples and context for GRE candidates

/ˈgɒs.ə.məʳ/ (adj & noun)


Noun: delicate and thin cobwebs produced by spidersdelicate and thin fabric

Adjective: extremely delicate and light, transparent, diaphanous, sheer, fragile, filmy, ethereal, flimsy, gauzy


Some species of butterflies look completely different if viewed from the top or bottom sides of their gossamer wings and are included in more than one section. Each species’ range and wing size also is included, but this information is a rough generalization and not always completely accurate.

Source of example: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/



Parts of speech

Adjective: gossamery

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