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Acrid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Acrid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE & SAT candidates and advanced learners of English in authentic context with images, synonyms and antonyms and parts of speech

/ˈæk.rɪd/ (adj)


(of a smell, flavor or taste) unpleasantly bitter and strong, vinegary, sharp, pungent, acetic, acidulous, acidic, acid, sour, tart, caustic, vitriolic, acerbic


What the Acrid Smoke from Wildfires Can Teach Us

As climate change intensifies summer after summer, millions of people around the world are finding themselves shrouded in toxic and acrid wildfire smoke, including those in North America, Russia and the Mediterranean just this past month.

I’m from Australia, where our devastating 2019–2020 bushfires and smoke caught the world’s attention.

Wildfire smoke is bad for our health. It is also really distressing, but we don’t talk about that as much.

Source of example: https://www.scientificamerican.com/



Parts of speech

Noun: acridness

Noun: acridity

Adverb: acridly

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