Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /əˈstrɪn.dʒənt/ (adj & noun) Astringent definition Adjective: sharp and acidic in tone, caustic, acidulous, acrimonious, biting, severe, harsh, acerbic, cutting, critical and unkind Noun: a drug or substance that shrinks body tissues and draws them together Video of astringent Astringent…

Acrid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Acrid meaning and definition in real context with images and synonyms

Acrid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE & SAT candidates and advanced learners of English in authentic context with images, synonyms and antonyms and parts of speech /ˈæk.rɪd/ (adj) Definition (of a smell, flavor or taste) unpleasantly bitter and strong, vinegary, sharp, pungent, acetic, acidulous, acidic, acid, sour, tart,…

Acidulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Acidulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Acidulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈsɪdjʊləs/ (adj) Definition sour or cutting in manner, taste or tone, acerbic, piquant, cutting, biting, tart, pungent, sharp-tasting, acrimonious, acidic Example Bacteria tend to get a lot of bad press. But lactic acid bacteria occur naturally on plants like grasses and can easily end up in milk. They ferment lactose at…

Dyspeptic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Dyspeptic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Dyspeptic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /dɪsˈpeptɪk/ (adj & noun) Definition Adjective: morose, acerbic, melancholy, bad-tempered, irascible, impatient, irritable, sour, fiery, solemn, volatile, gloomy, easily angered, ill-tempered – suffering from indigestion Noun: a dyspeptic person Example Feeling very angry and frustrated all the time, or being around someone who is always angry, is exhausting and stressful. Find…

Sardonic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Sardonic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Sardonic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /sɑːˈdɒn.ɪk/ (adj) Definition showing that you believe you are more important than other people by not showing enough respect to them, disdainfully mocking, scornful, ironic, cynical, sarcastic, satirical, derisive, caustic, acerbic, snide, mocking Example Have you ever wanted to whisper softly in someone’s ear “JUST WALK AWAY”? Umm… that’s a bit…

Pungent 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 4

Pungent 1100 words you need to know week 27 day 4 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Pungent 1100 Words You Need Pungent 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 4 /ˈpʌn.dʒənt/ (adj) (of a smell or taste) very strong and intense, bitter and powerfully sharp, spicy, hot, overpowering, sharp-tasting, stimulating, caustic, forceful, biting, acerbic, trenchant, piercing Pungent coffees are generally characterized by powerful chili or pepper infused aromas and flavor tones.…

Caustic 1100 Words You Need Week 3 Day 1

caustic LELB Society

Caustic 1100 Words You Need Caustic 1100 Words You Need /ˈkɔː.stɪk/ US /ˈkɑː-/ (adj) describes a chemical that burns or destroys things, especially anything made of living cells, corrosive, acid, acidic, corroding, burning, describes a remark or way of speaking that is hurtful, critical or intentionally unkind, sarcastic, scathing, mordant, acrimonious, astringent, cutting, biting, acerbic,…