Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /əˈstrɪn.dʒənt/ (adj & noun) Astringent definition Adjective: sharp and acidic in tone, caustic, acidulous, acrimonious, biting, severe, harsh, acerbic, cutting, critical and unkind Noun: a drug or substance that shrinks body tissues and draws them together Video of astringent Astringent…

Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid definition in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ˈpjuː.trɪd/ (adj) Putrid definition extremely unpleasant and unattractive, contemptible, disgusting, repugnant, repulsive having an unpleasant smell due to being decayed, rotting with a foul smell, rotten, decomposed, noisome, fetid, tainted, rancid Video of putrid Putrid in context When vegetables, milk, or meat are…

Incur Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Incur Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Incur definition in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ɪnˈkɜːʳ/ (verb) Incur definition to experience something unpleasant as a result of what you have done, bring upon yourself to acquire a burden such as a debt, meet with something undesirable, encounter, sustain, suffer Video of incur Incur in context When individuals…

Squalid Definition in Context with Images

Squalid definition in context with images and synonyms

Squalid definition in context with images, synonyms and parts of speech from Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, squalid, in authentic short passages with illustrations and text-to-speech. /ˈskwɒl.ɪd/ (adj) Squalid definition (of places) extremely filthy, dirty and unpleasant, nasty, sordid, unclean, foul, fetid, neglected, miserable (morality) extremely immoral and disgusting, lacking moral standards,…

Noxious – Definition & Synonyms in Real Context with Images

Definition of Noxious in real context with images from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of Noxious in real context and authentic examples with images and illustrations for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English with synonyms and antonyms from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam /ˈnɒk.ʃəs/ (adj) Definition (of a substance, gas, etc.) very poisonous and harmful, lethal, toxic, noisome, deadly, insalubrious, unhealthy, destructive,…

Invidious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Invidious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Invidious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪnˈvɪd.i.əs/ (adj) Definition unpleasant because of being unfair or unjust, defamatory, calumnious, maligning, unenviable, detractive, libelous, insulting, deplorable, resentful, odious, obnoxious, scandalous, undesirable, vilifying, discriminatory, horrible, jaundiced Example As Los Angeles employment lawyers, we often see cases where people are treated invidiously and unfairly because of who they are. Others are…

Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1

Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 /ʌnˈseɪ.vər.i/ US /-vɚ-/ (adj) disgusting and unpleasant, morally offensive, disagreeable to taste, smell or look at, distasteful, revolting, nasty, repellent, unwelcome, uncouth, repulsive, immoral, villainous, unacceptable, untrustworthy, disreputable, repugnant Notorious or unsavory reputation that would adversely affect…

Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Noisome

Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈnɔɪ.səm/ (adj) very unpleasant and offensive, repugnant, repulsive, unpleasant, foul, offensive, disgusting, repellent, horrible, awful, putrid: a noisome stench Fre: répugnante Fa: بدبو

Harsh – English Flashcard for Harsh for IELTS

Harsh English Flashcard for Harsh LELB Society

Harsh Harsh (adj) /hɑːʃ/ US /hɑːrʃ/ difficult to tolerate or endure, severe, intense, austere, unpleasant and unkind, unsympathetic and critical, inhospitable She’s so squeamish. So, she cannot stand any harsh criticism. harsh voice / chemicals / punishment Antonyms: mild, gentle, kind, pleasant Noun: harshness Adverb: harshly

Horrid – English Flashcard for Horrid for IELTS

Horrid | English Flashcard for Horrid - LELB Society

Horrid Horrid (adj) /ˈhɒr.ɪd/ US /ˈhɔːr-/ causing horror or disgust, dreadful, unpleasant and nasty, despicable, horrible I cannot stand horrid behaviors, particularly at the table. Antonyms: pleasant, pleasing Noun: horridness Adverb: horridly