Withstand Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Withstand Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Withstand definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for ESL students /wɪðˈstænd/ (verb) Definition of withstand to bear or tolerate something unpleasant, stand up against, resist, oppose, endure, be resistant to something, survive Video of withstand Withstand in context The Golden Gate Bridge, an iconic landmark in San Francisco, California, is known…

The Athlete and the Headless Lion by Rumi from Masnavi

داستان پهلوان و شیر بی سر و دم از مثنوی معنوی مولانا برای آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان

The story of the Athlete and the Headless Lion by Rumi from Masnavi with a podcast for non-Persian speakers to learn the Persian language and get more familiar with Persian literature and poetry The Persian version of the Athlete and the Headless Lion To read the Persian version of the Athlete and the Headless Lion,…

The Flea and the Man by Aesop for ESL Students

The Flea and the Man by Aesop for ESL students with a podcast and vocabulary practice

The Flea and the Man by Aesop with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context for advanced ESL students based on the English Immersion Program The Flea and the Man is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Podcast of the Flea and the Man Watch this video on YouTube. The Flea…

Forbearance Definition in Context with Images

Forbearance definition in context with images and synonyms

Forbearance definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, forbearance, in authentic short sentences and passages to improve your reading comprehension as well. /fɔːˈbeə.rəns/ (noun) Forbearance definition the quality of having patience, self-control and forgiveness especially in the face of problems and crises, tolerance, resignation,…

Tolerate 1100 Words You Need Week 5 Day 4

tolerate LELB Society

Tolerate 1100 Words You Need Tolerate 1100 Words You Need /ˈtɒl.ər.eɪt/ (verb) to accept behavior and beliefs which are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them, stand, bear, put up with, endure, accept, stand for, allow, stomach: I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class.…

Condone GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Condone

condone LELB Society

Condone GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Condone GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /kənˈdəʊn/ US /-ˈdoʊn/ (verb) to accept or allow behavior that is wrong, pardon, overlook, excuse, disregard, forgive, ignore, tolerate, make allowances for: I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances. Fre: pardonner Fa: چشم پوشی کردن

Abide – English Flashcard for Abide for IELTS

Abide - English Flashcard for Abide - LELB Society

Abide Abide (verb) /əˈbaɪd/ to tolerate or withstand something or someone, put up with, accept, endure, tolerate, compromise, stand for, bear, obey, dwell or reside in a place: As a subordinate, she had to abide by the rules imposed by her superior. Antonym: defy Noun: abidance Noun: abider

Endure – English Flashcard for Endure with Synonyms

Endure - English Flashcard for Endure - LELB Society

Endure Endure (verb) /ɪnˈdjʊəʳ/ US /-ˈdʊr/ to tolerate difficulties – continue to exist or survive – bear hardship – put up with – withstand – last – persist – persevere: After enduring so much pain and suffering, he eventually died of cancer. Antonyms: abandon, leave, give up, succumb, perish Noun: endurance Adjective: enduring Adjective: endurable

Countenance – English Flashcard for Countenance

Countenance - English Flashcard for Countenance - LELB Society

Countenance Countenance (noun & verb) /ˈkaʊn.tə.nənts/ US / to support or approve of something – tolerate and put up with – allow – stand for – give approval to. (noun): mien – appearance – features – visage – face: I cannot countenance you disparaging your grandfather, who’s an octogenarian, in this acrimonious way.