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Acrophobia – Definition in Visual Dictionary in Real Context

Definition of Acrophobia in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in real context with authentic examples for GRE candidates from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

/ˌa-krə-‘fō-bē-ə/ (noun)


irrational and extreme fear of heights or altitude, fear of being in a high place


Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up. It belongs to a category of specific phobias, called space and motion discomfort, that share both similar causes and options for treatment.

Most people experience a degree of natural fear when exposed to heights, known as the fear of falling. On the other hand, those who have little fear of such exposure are said to have a head for heights. A head for heights is advantageous for those hiking or climbing in mountainous terrain and also in certain jobs such as steeplejacks or wind turbine mechanics.

Source of example: https://en.wikipedia.org/

Parts of speech

Adjective: acrophobic

Noun: acrophobe

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