Bombastic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Bombastic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

bɒmˈbæs.tɪk/ (adj)


using difficult words to show you’re more important than you really are, pompous, long-winded, magniloquent, declamatory, verbose, euphuistic, pretentious, turgid, grandiloquent, affected, sonorous, ostentatious, grandiose, high-flown, orotund, rhetorical


The word verbosity comes from Latin verbosus, “wordy”. There are many other English words that also refer to the use of excessive words.

Prolixity comes from Latin prolixus, “extended”. Prolixity can also be used to refer to the length of a monologue or speech, especially a formal address such as a lawyer’s oral argument.

Grandiloquence is complex speech or writing judged to be pompous or bombastic diction. It is a combination of the Latin words grandis (“great”) and loqui (“to speak”).



curt, simple

Parts of speech

Noun: bombast: pompous and bombastic language

Adverb: bombastically

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