Access 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 2

access LELB Society

Access 1100 Words You Need Access 1100 Words You Need /ˈæ (noun & verb) Noun: right of entry, the right or permission to approach or use something, way in, entrance, entry, approach, admission, gate, door, admittance, right to use Verb: to have access to something, to be able to use something, get into, gain access…

Alleged 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 2

alleged LELB Society

Alleged 1100 Words You Need Alleged 1100 Words You Need /əˈledʒd/ (adj) something that has been theorized or assumed but not yet proved, unproven, suspected, presumed, so-called, purported, apparent: In criminal law, an “allegation” is an unproven accusation. For example, a person suspected or accused of committing the offense of burglary may be referred to…

Abrogate 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 2

abrogate LELB Society

Abrogate 1100 Words You Need Abrogate 1100 Words You Need /ˈæb.rəʊ.geɪt/ (verb) to end an agreement or contract officially, do away with, cancel, revoke, terminate, abolish, annul, retract, nullify: Unfortunately, after the turn of the century, this trend to create a web of such agreements started to crack. The first was the US decision to…

Woolgathering 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

woolgathering LELB Society

Woolgathering 1100 Words You Need Woolgathering 1100 Words You Need /’wu̇l-ˌga-thərɪŋ/ (noun) daydreaming and absent-mindedness, wishful thinking, fantasy: The original Woolgathering, a collection of sketches published 20 years ago in a volume the size of a deck of cards, holds talismanic significance for some Patti Smith devotees. Capturing moments of her adult life, Smith pares…

Culpable 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

culpable LELB Society

Culpable 1100 Words You Need Culpable 1100 Words You Need /ˈkʌl.pə.bļ/ (adj) blameworthy and at fault, deserving blame or punishment, reprehensible, faulty, responsible, in the wrong, guilty, liable: Culpable homicide can either indicate whether or not the killing of a human being involved malice aforethought on the part of the defendant. Malice aforethought exists when…

Recant 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

recant LELB Society

Recant 1100 Words You Need Recant 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈkænt/ (verb) to announce publicly that you no longer hold a religious or political belief that you used to have, reject belief, deny believing in something, renounce, take back, disavow, repudiate, withdraw, retract, revoke, abjure: In 1633, the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church forced…

Accomplice 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

accomplice LELB Society

Accomplice 1100 Words You Need Accomplice 1100 Words You Need /əˈkʌm.plɪs/ (noun) a partner in committing a crime or wrongdoing, partner in crime, accessory, assistant, co-conspirator, collaborator, abettor, partner: Generally, the main perpetrator of a crime is referred to as a principal while the individuals assisting in the commission of the crime are referred to…

Liquidation 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

liquidation LELB Society

Liquidation 1100 Words You Need Liquidation 1100 Words You Need /ˌlɪk.wɪˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (noun) the act of shutting down a business or company by selling all its property to pay its debts, insolvency, bankruptcy, closing, selling out paying all debts, redemption If a company enters into liquidation, it means that it will have to stop trading immediately…

Complicity 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

complicity LELB Society

Complicity 1100 Words You Need Complicity 1100 Words You Need /kəmˈplɪs.ɪ.ti/ partnership in wrongdoing or a criminal activity, involvement in wrongdoing, collusion, collaboration, participation, connivance: AFP – French technology firm Amesys on Tuesday denied accusations of complicity in torture in Libya after judicial authorities in France opened a probe into its activities under ex-strongman Moamer…

Steal One’s Thunder 1100 Words You need Week 14

steal one's thunder LELB Society

Steal One’s Thunder 1100 Words Steal One’s Thunder 1100 Words to block your success in calling someone’s attention or doing something in particular by overtaking or forestalling you, prevent or hinder someone from doing something by acting on it in advance, preempt, preclude, avert, obviate, thwart: For centuries, theatre productions tried to find a good…