Keep a Stiff Upper Lip 1100 Words You Need Week 9

Keep a Stiff Upper Lip Keep a Stiff Upper Lip to have the ability to stay calm and not show your feelings in a difficult or upsetting situation, be courageous in the face of trouble, have a poker face, look blank, show no emotion: Men were taught to keep a stiff upper lip. antonym: express…

Spew 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

spew LELB Society

Spew 1100 Words You Need Spew 1100 Words You Need /spjuː/ (noun & verb) If something spews liquid or gas or liquid or gas spews from something, it flows out in large amounts, vomit, eject, pour out forcefully, disgorge, discharge, send out, spew out, emit, gush, pour forth: The volcano spewed a giant cloud of…

Venom 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

venom LELB Society

Venom 1100 Words You Need Venom 1100 Words You Need /ˈvenəm/ (noun) 1: the expression of feelings of hatred or extreme anger, malice, aversion, hatred, vicious hostility, spite, rancor, acrimony, bitterness, virulence, vituperation, malevolence: He was shocked at the sheer venom of her reply. 2. a poisonous liquid which some snakes, insects, etc. produce when…

Virulent 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

virulent LELB Society

Virulent 1100 Words You Need Virulent 1100 Words You Need /ˈvɪr.jʊ.lənt/ (adj) 1. describes a dangerous disease or poison which very quickly spreads or has an effect, very poisonous, infectious, pernicious, lethal, deadly, fatal, potent: A particularly virulent strain of flu has recently claimed a number of lives in the US. 2. full of hate…

Entourage 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

entourage LELB Society

Entourage 1100 Words You Need Entourage 1100 Words You Need /ˈɒn.tʊ.rɑːʒ/ (noun) Entourage definition the group of people who travel with and work for an important or famous person, people accompanying VIP, staff, associates, backups, followers, fans: Example The rock-star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.

Blatant 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

blatant LELB Society

Blatant 1100 Words You Need Blatant 1100 Words You Need /ˈbleɪ.tənt/ (adj) describes something bad that is very obvious or intentional, flagrant, egregious, awful, unconcealed, barefaced, unashamed, deliberate, transparent, uncouth, patent, manifest, palpable: a blatant lie The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity. antonym: furtive adv: blatantly noun: blatancy French: flagrante Farsi:…

Spill the Beans 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 1

spill the beans LELB Society

Spill the beans 1100 Words Spill the beans 1100 Words to tell people secret information, to give away a secret, let the cat out of the bag, let on, blow someone’s cover, give the game away, reveal: So who spilled the beans about her affair with David? antonym: keep secret French: révéler Farsi: بند را…

Bigot 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 1

bigot LELB Society

Bigot 1100 Words You Need Bigot 1100 Words You Need /ˈbɪg.ət/ (noun) a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong, extremist, diehard, dogmatist, racist, chauvinist, intolerant person, prejudiced person: He was known to be a loud-mouthed, opinionated bigot. Adj: bigoted Noun: bigotry…

Asset 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 1

asset LELB Society

Asset 1100 Words You Need Asset 1100 Words You Need /ˈæ (noun) a useful or valuable quality, skill or person, valuable things or property, advantage, belongings, resource, holding, possession, strength, plus point, positive feature, ability, qualification, endowment: He’ll be a great asset to the team. Her eyes are her best asset (= most attractive feature).…

Adverse 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 1

adverse LELB Society

Adverse 1100 Words You Need Adverse 1100 Words You Need /ˈæd.vɜːs/ (adj) having a negative or harmful effect on something, pernicious, detrimental, deleterious, unfavorable, unpleasant, opposing, hostile, contrary: The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects. antonym: favorable, cooperative, agreeable adv:…