Effrontery GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Effrontery

Effrontery GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Effrontery GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪˈfrʌn.tər.i/ US /-ţɚ-/ (noun) extreme rudeness and lack of ability to understand that your behavior is not acceptable to other people, brashness, gall, nerve, presumption, temerity, audacity, impudence, cheekiness, boldness: He was silent all through the meal and then had the effrontery to complain that I looked…

Precipitate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Precipitate

precipitate LELB Society

Precipitate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Precipitate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /prɪˈsɪp.ɪ.teɪt/ (adj & verb) to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected, hasten, accelerate, give rise to, trigger, (of a liquid) to become solid, hasty, hurried, abrupt, headlong, ill-considered, impetuous, impulsive, prompt, rash, reckless, sudden, careless, unexpected, swift, quick, rapid, precipitous: An invasion would certainly precipitate…

Implacable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Implacable

implacable LELB Society

Implacable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Implacable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪmˈplæk.ə.bļ/ (adj) describes (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings which are impossible to change, inexorable, intransigent, relentless, irreconcilable, remorseless, unforgiving, unrelenting, pitiless, merciless, ruthless, cruel, hardhearted, callous, rigid, unyielding, unbending, obdurate, cold-hearted: an implacable enemy implacable opposition/hostility Antonym: kind Fre: implacable Fa: سنگدل، بی رحم

Malleable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Malleable

Malleable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Malleable GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈmæl.i.ə.bļ/ (adj) describes a substance that is easily changed into a new shape, adaptable, ductile, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, soft, supple, bendy, impressionable, compliant, acquiescent, manipulable, persuadable: Lead and tin are malleable metals. Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.…

Heterogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

heterogeneous LELB Society

Heterogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Heterogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌhet.ər.əˈdʒiː.ni.əs/ (adj) consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other, assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, varied, diverse, various, dissimilar, unrelated: Switzerland is a heterogeneous confederation of 26 self-governing cantons. Antonym: homogeneous Fre: hétérogène Fa: ناهمگون

Homogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Homogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Homogeneous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌhɒm.əˈdʒiː.ni.əs/ (adj) consisting of parts or people which are similar to each other or are of the same type, the same, analogous, consistent, standardized, uniform, unvarying, same, similar, equal, equivalent, identical, harmonized: a homogeneous group/society The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous. Antonym: heterogeneous Fre:…

Meticulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Meticulous

meticulous LELB Society

Meticulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Meticulous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /məˈtɪk.jʊ.ləs/ (adj) very careful and with great attention to every detail, cautious, finicky, fussy, picky, precise, punctilious, scrupulous, thorough, particular, painstaking, duteous: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book. Antonym: careless, reckless, lax Fre: méticuleuse Fa: دقیق

Analogous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Analogous

analogous LELB Society

Analogous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Analogous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈnæl.ə.gəs/ (adj) Similar to another situation or thing so that a comparison can be made, alike, comparable, corresponding, equivalent, homogeneous, parallel, related, akin, consonant, The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness. Antonyms different, various, heterogeneous Parts of speech Noun: analogy:…

Cacophony GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Cacophony


Cacophony GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Cacophony GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /kəˈkɒf.ə.ni/ US /-ˈkɑː.fə-/ (noun) an unpleasant mixture of loud sounds, chaos, clamor, din, discord, disharmony, noise, discordance, dissonance, unmusicality, harshness, unmelodiousness, stridency, loudness: What a cacophony! As we entered the farmyard we were met with a cacophony of animal sounds. Antonym: harmony, melodiousness Fre: cacophonie Fa: صدای…