Chic meaning in real context with images used in short authentic sentences to practice reading and vocabulary enrichment at the same time. Learn the French word, chic, from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student.
/ʃiːk/ (adj & noun)
Chic meaning
Adjective: fashionable and stylish, elegant, à la mode, well-groomed, attractive, in vogue
Noun: fashion, craze, elegance, stylishness
In a world where fashion options are endless, it can be easy to get overwhelmed when deciding what to wear. Most likely, your closet is a hodgepodge of patterns, colors, textures, and trends—which can be pretty daunting morning after morning when you’re heading to work (or anywhere, for that matter).
But the truth is, there are a few secrets to looking chic and great every day, while also building a cohesive and functional wardrobe that will stand the test of time (and trends). Here are four rules I’ve learned from one of my favorite bloggers—Geneva from A Pair and a Spare—that will make sure you always look chic.
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Parts of speech
Noun: chicness