Consecutive Definition in Context with Images

Consecutive definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, consecutive, in real short sentences with parts of speech and text-to-speech.

/kənˈsek.jʊ.tɪv/ (adj)

Consecutive definition

(of numbers, events, etc.) following one after each other and without any interruption, following logical sequence, in succession, successive, repeated, uninterrupted, succeeding, sequential


The seat numbers are not consecutive. What does that mean?

In some venues, the seating is numbered according to a system of odd and even numbers. Unless you were warned when you placed the order, your seats will be next to each other. When in doubt, you can send an e-mail to our customer service.

Source of example:


alternate, interrupted

Parts of speech

Adverb: consecutively

Noun: consecutiveness

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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