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Crime Control | An IELTS Essay Sample

Crime Control | An IELTS Essay Sample

Crime Control | An IELTS Essay Sample


Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The Essay Written by LELB Students

In the recent era, committing crimes is entrenched in many societies. To address this issue, some believe longer sentences should be imposed on offenders though others think alternative methods ought to be implemented. I personally agree with the latter group.

On the one hand, supporters of long sentences claim that the fear of jail could keep everybody away from perpetrating crimes. In other words, making an example of criminals dispels the idea of crime. For instance, a person whose friend is dealing with a life sentence never think about carrying out an illegal action.

Nevertheless, opponents of long sentences maintain that this problem should be solved deeply. In fact, it is better to find out the root causes of crimes. To be more specific, there are many problems in societies which spark violence and troubles. For example, inequality between white and black people provokes many fights. Also, poverty and class differences bring about many troubles and unlawful activities. I personally think that if the authorities strive to overcome these problems and make an atmosphere in which nobody has tendency for doing crimes, there will not be any needs for prolonging jail sentences.

Error Correction:

  • Line 4: long sentences (rather ambiguous), ➡ long prison sentences
  • Line 6: think ➡ thinks
  • Line 7: opponents of long sentences ➡ the opponents of long prison sentences …

3 comments on “Crime Control | An IELTS Essay Sample”

  1. Line 4: long sentences (rather ambiguous), :arrow: long prison sentences
    Line 6: think :arrow: thinks
    Line 7: opponents of long sentences :arrow: the opponents of long prison sentences …

  2. In the recent era, committing crimes is entrenched in many societies. To address this issue, some believe longer sentences should be imposed on offenders though others think alternative methods ought to be implemented. I personally agree with the latter group.
    On the one hand, supporters of long sentences claim that the fear of jail could keep everybody away from perpetrating crimes. In other words, making an example of criminals dispels the idea of crime. For instance, a person whose friend is dealing with a life sentence never think about carrying out an illegal action.
    Nevertheless, opponents of long sentences maintain that this problem should be solved deeply. In fact, it is better to find out the root causes of crimes. To be more specific, there are many problems in societies which spark violence and troubles. For example, inequality between white and black people provokes many fights. Also, poverty and class differences bring about many troubles and unlawful activities. I personally think that if the authorities strive to overcome these problems and make an atmosphere in which nobody has tendency for doing crimes, there will not be any needs for prolonging jail sentences.

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