Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking Practice

Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking practice

Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking Practice

Relevant Audio / Video File

Watch or listen to the following video/audio file in conjunction with the topic being discussed and try to answer the questions about it.

Questions about the video/audio file

  1. Which one of the five dream interpretations is more familiar to you?
  2. What does a dream about failure in examination reflect?
  3. Do you have any other experience in dream interpretation that you would like to share with us?
  4. If you die in your dream, what can your dream signify?
  5. Which one of the five dreams illustrated in the video is more horrifying to you?

Argue for/against

Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.

Dream interpretation is a purely technical field of science.

Photo Scanning

Please examine the photo below and try to come up with as many reasons as you can in support of the following statement:

This man is not likely to have horrifying dreams or nightmares.

Reaching a Conclusion

  • At the end of each session, we try to come to an informed conclusion on the selected issue.
  • The students are expected to take notes during the class and use their notes to reach a conclusion at the end of each session in around 2 minutes.

Call for Feedback

Please help us to improve the quality of this class and our online community (LELB Society) by expressing your precious ideas about this question:

Between the two modes of communication (i.e., synchronous and asynchronous), which one seems to play a more important role in generating the sense of social presence among online L2 learners? Please give some reasons for your choice.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4152

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37 thoughts on “Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking Practice”

  1. Hello Guys!
    I hope you all having a great time.
    I was searching for the interpetation of dream that i see last night and i come across this site. This site is really
    amazing and have so much helpfull content for the people like me that are woried about their dreams.
    Thanks Alot.

    • You’re so welcome.

  2. 6. Do you think we can rely on people who are calimin ng that they can interpret dreams ? Have you ever refered to a dream interpreter?

    • Did you mean “claiming” to interpret dreams?

  3. 5. How can we interpret our dreams accurately?

    • Thank you for raising this question. However, I should add that dream interpretation is not something that anybody can perform. As a matter of fact, dream interpretation tends to be quite professional.

  4. 4. Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it?

    • Such a good question! As you said, there are tons of books on dream interpretation available in the market, and to my astonishment, many of them are still best-sellers.

  5. 3. Are there any differences between night dreams and hypnotic dreams?

    • This question about dreams is so technical, but it’s quite worth acquiring some technical knowledge about this topic.

  6. 2. Please examine the photo below and try to come up with as many reasons as you can in support of the following statement:
    This man is not likely to have horrifying dreams or nightmares.

    • The calm and smiling face indicate that this person have not nightmares. We can experience such a sweet sleep if we learn to have peaceful mind and this is nothing more than being our best friend.

      • That’s right. It seems he’s having a sweet dream. ?
        Corrections: ? ?
        the face indicateS
        this person has no nightmares

        • Thanks for your correction. I made mistakes because of not paying attention.
          On the topic, sleep is critical for the maintenance of the brain. If you do not get an adequate amount of regular sleep, there are multiple deficits. For example, sleep has been shown to be crucial for certain genetic processes, protein synthesis, and myelin formation. Without myelin, the neurons do not fire efficiently. Sleep deprivation has been shown to compromise attention, new learning, and memory.

          • So much great information about sleep. I should thank you so much.
            ? Just remember that in the above entry, I simply copied and pasted the content in the PHOTO SCANNING activity here. That is to say, the topic of our discussion is NOT sleep, but dream interpretation.

            • you`re welcome.
              You are quite right.:) I am sorry for speaking out of main subject. But I just mention that how we can have sweet dream like this man. I think that we should not have dreamed if some disturbing element had not come into play during our sleep, and the dream is the reaction against this disturbance. Also, having good sleep affects on our brain function that result in having sweet dreams.(calm sleep= sweet dream).

              • Thanks for sharing your opinion on the relationship between good sleep and the quality of brain function.

    • Acoording to the picture , there is a smile on face of the person who is fallen in sleep.This smile is showing a satisfactory state in which he is blessed with.

      • Accurate response, thanks a lot. ✅ ツ
        Some corrections:
        on the person’s face or on the face of the person
        who has fallen asleep / who is sleeping
        with which he is blessed / which he is blessed with

    • If a person lives in a most suitable way, he or she won’t suffer from any nightmares; because the mind is in a good condition and is satisfied with life so he or she doesn’t have any thing to worry about which causes them to have horrifying dreams. Moreover, having good sleep with sweet dream will give us more energy to work better during day, so we can say that both dreams and the daily activities will have mutual effects on each other.

      • I agree. Horrifying nightmares especially at night usually reflect that there’s something wrong in the way we live. For this reason, this should be taken seriously. It’s like the value of pain when it indicates that there’s something wrong physically.

  7. 1. What’s your idea about the following statement?
    Dream interpretation is a purely technical field of science.

    • Dreaming is the communication between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind. Sumber said: “Dreams are the bridge that allows movement back and forth between what we think we know and what we really know. Dreams reveal a person’s “deepest desires and deepest wounds.” According to this huge importance of dreaming, definitely dream which is unique for every person needs a purely technical field of science to be interpreted.

      • That is better to say:
        1- “Dreaming is the communication between our conscious and unconscious mind.” – ” “deepest desires and wounds.” When and is used in common phrases connecting two things or people that are closely linked, the determiner is not usually repeated before the second.
        2- (As) Sumber said:“Dreams are the bridge that allows movement back and forth between what we think we know and what we really know.” (insert ” in the end)

        • Thanks a lot for your attention and correction

          • You’re welcome. Good luck 😊

            • You did a good job by performing peer-assessment in our online community.

      • Happy to see that you’re focusing on the issue of dream interpretation so technically. This approach to the concept of dream interpretation has made our discussion more thrilling.

    • While there has always been a great interest in the interpretation of human dreams, it wasn’t until the end of the nineteenth century that Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung put forth some of the most widely-known modern theories of dreaming. Psychoanalytic dream interpretation explains how the unconscious thoughts and emotions are processed in the mind during sleep. Freud believed that dreaming allows us to sort through unresolved, repressed wishes. Therefore, studying dreams provided the easiest road to understanding of the unconscious activities of the mind.

      • Many thanks for sharing this information about the history of dream interpretation by its founders.

    • It seems to be true. Actually, dream interpretation is really close to psychology, that is, our dream could interpret psychologically. The the truth is that our dream are influenced by our internal and external environmental conditions such as business and financial concerns, stress, our childhood, fears, desires and wishes, etc. In this regard, some prominent psychologists like Freud and Jung introduced a certain frame and stringent rules in order to interpret dreams. So, if one knows them well, will be able to do it. Since this, we should conclude interpretation of dream is a technical science.

      • correction: repeat “the” — ” The truth is that our dream …”

          • You’re welcome. Good luck ?

            • We don’t put the question mark “?” after “Good luck”. Instead, you can put a full stop or an exclamation mark.

        • Thank you, Mana, for performing peer-assessment.

      • That is absolutely correct. Dream interpretation requires technical and professional expertise in the domain of psychology and sometimes neurology. People should not address this profession in an amateur manner.

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