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LELB Society Classes to Learn English – Student Feedback

LELB Society: A Bilingual Academy of English & Persian Forums Feedback Box for LELB Society’s Students LELB Society Classes to Learn English – Student Feedback

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    • #121313
      Soroosh Houshmand

      LELB Society classes to learn English as a second language

      I remember that the first time I go in a English class I was like just 3 years old and it was really boring, and after years of practicing this language I was 11 years old that for the first time I met the LELB Society site and the thing it was interesting is that LELB Society was not famous and it was really normal to me. But when I started the LELB Society classes I was really impressed by this great site.

    • #121319

      It’s such a delight to learn about your positive education experience in LELB Society classes. I can vividly perceive that your English has improved significantly since you attended our online English classes nearly a year and a half ago. Additionally, the level of your interest and enthusiasm for learning English has increased dramatically over time, which is another noticeable feature of your learning curve in our bilingual academy. Congratulations!

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