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Maryam Nekou Portfolio Assessment

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    • #103898

      With the help of this portfolio assessment, you, Maryam Nekou, will be able to track your progress in learning English academically to get prepared for IELTS. Previously, we used to assign you the intended English materials on our installed live chat. However, we do believe that employing portfolio assessment is a better option for you.

      Please note that the covered materials here would be the subject of your English tests we will give you later on at LELB Society to evaluate your progress. Furthermore, you can negotiate your assignments and our methodology with us in this forum as your portfolio assessment.

    • #103902

      Hello and welcome aboard!
      I think you need to learn more about English conjunctions in more detail. For this reason, please study this page on English conjunctions, and pay attention to their functions and examples:

      English Conjunctions

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