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Grimace 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 3

Grimace 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 3

Grimace 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 3

/ˈgrɪ.məs/ (noun & verb)

to make a facial expression showing that you have pain or don’t like something, ugly and twisted expression of pain or disgust, scowl, frown, smirk, long face, sneer, pout, pull a face, make a face

We have previously described the incidence and associated anesthetic parameters of grimacing and non-grimacing patients during general anesthesia. Here we examine if there are pre or post anesthesia differences in patients who do and do not grimace. Results: Males grimaced more than females and older patients grimaced more than younger patients. Length of surgery (LOS) also was positively associated with minutes of grimacing.

Source: https://www2.snacc.org

Antonym: smile

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